3 Films For Self-discovery

3 films for self-discovery

Who today does not spend a good part of their time watching series or movies? Watching stories told on the small or big screen is one of our favorite pastimes. However, more often  than not it only leads to a moment of fun or entertainment. 

The good news is, things can be different. Depending on what you see or the extent of your analytical mind, you may be able to reflect or learn lessons that will serve you later. This is precisely what we are looking for with  this list of films for self-discovery.

A good film is indeed able to motivate us, inspire us and push us to change.  Therefore, the next time you dive under your blanket to see one, maybe the headlines we are going to give you will teach you a lot about yourself.

List of films for self-discovery

1. Yes Man

Jim Carrey, an actor who is characterized by his comical roles and without too much depth, plays the main character of this film  which motivates us because of its multiple facets. Carl, his character, is depressed because he leads a life that he doesn’t like. He’s stuck in his job, his wife left him for another man, and he spends his nights alone watching TV.

However, that all changes when he almost obligates himself to attend a personal development seminar. There he establishes a “pact with the Universe”  which obliges him to say yes to all the opportunities which present themselves to him. From that moment his life will change completely.

Yes Man tops our list of self-discovery movies because it reminds us of the importance of taking risks and taking action. The character is in a situation that we can all understand. We also see how this posture leads him towards challenges and adventures he never imagined before.

2. Walter Mitty’s dream life

Walter is the typical man no one would ever pay attention to. He leads a life anchored in monotony, with a job which he likes but which does not stimulate him much. To avoid getting bored,  he frequently imagines situations in which he becomes the hero of a story. But this is only imagination, he does not experience any of these situations in reality.

Suddenly a problem in his job prompts him to take risks and  he sets out on an incredible journey to different parts of the world to save the magazine he works for. Thus, he passes from the innocuous and frustrated man to a man who travels the world and faces a great number of difficulties. During this process, he additionally ends up having great self-confidence and comes home completely changed.

Walter Mitty’s Dream Life  is a film that provides a good starting point for personal reflection. The feeling that this character gives us is automatically familiar to us. Who has never dreamed of being able to live adventures and break free from the routine? Through his journey and the incredible landscapes he makes discover, it is practically impossible not to feel this momentum, this spark and not to want to change our own history.

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3. Into the Wild

We are finishing our list of films for self-discovery with one of the most inspiring titles in the history of cinema. In  Into the Wild,  we follow in the footsteps of Christopher McCandless, a young man who grew up under the watchful eyes of his parents. His family puts pressure on him to study at a prestigious university. After graduating,  he decides the life he’s always prepared for isn’t right for him.

With a backpack and some money aside, the young man sets off on an epic journey that will take him to the depths of Alaska. On his way,  he will meet a multitude of people and experience different situations  that will help him grow as a person and discover who he really is.

It is no coincidence that  Into the Wild  has become  a cult film for people of all ages. And it’s also no coincidence that we include it in our list of films for self-discovery. The plot is full of emotions, positive and negative. McCandless’s journey is filmed with such splendor that he is able to generate an endless universe of sensations that leave no room for indifference. It is an attack on mediocrity and conformism that can give you the motivation you need if you are thinking about making changes in your life.

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There are motivational films that turn into living documents exalting the greatness of the human spirit. Many of them are the testimony …

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