I Feel A Great Inner Emptiness

I feel a great inner emptiness

Some people are in a relationship but feel so lonely and empty that it is as if they are single.

Others do not want to wait any longer, and decide to walk the path of life with the wrong person who, due to his selfishness, does not allow them to feel happy and to free themselves from this toxic relationship. 

Some people stay in marriages or cohabitations which are already destroyed, only because loneliness seems to them to be something difficult and unacceptable.

Others decide to be supporting roles in the lives of people who allow them not to feel alone, trying to gain importance, but this journey is difficult, long, tedious and fraught with pitfalls. 

But there are people who are lonely, who live their own lives, who shine in society, and who come into life from the best possible angle.

People who do not die off, but on the contrary, who become more inflamed every day. People who learn to take advantage of their solitude because it helps them to get closer to themselves, to grow and to strengthen their interior life.

These people are the ones who one day, without knowing when or why, meet someone who truly loves them, and fall in love in the most wonderful way possible. 

Therese of Calcutta

“I feel a great emptiness in me”, “I feel alone even when I am accompanied”, “I feel alone even though I have everything and I don’t miss anything”, “I feel incomplete even if I have a wonderful person by my side ”. Do these kinds of sentences ring a bell? 

You are likely to be familiar with this feeling of unhappiness and dissatisfaction. It’s an emotional void, a complex emotion that haunts us all our lives and makes us feel lonely, and misunderstood.

The possibility of feeling empty is something that terrifies us and blocks us. This is quite logical, because there is no more penetrating pain than that caused by direct confrontation with our emotional reality.

It prompts us to ask ourselves emotionally difficult questions, such as, “ If I have everything, what more can I ask for? What can I aspire to if my partner is already perfect? How many more friends do I need to have so that I don’t feel alone? “.

Your partner may be perfect and wonderful, but the relationship you have with them may not make you happy.

This disillusionment and pain tells you that you need to change something. If you don’t want to feel bad anymore, you need to start now.

You may feel like you have it all, but you might not quite imagine everything that is within your reach.

It is possible that you are surrounded by people, but they are not good for you, or that you need a change of scenery.


What is behind the emotional void?

Emotional emptiness hides bondage, hope, sadness, and the need for affection and emotional freedom.

This feeling presents itself to us in a rather cruel way, masked in the guise of the feelings we feel, the doubts we have, a general exhaustion that knocks us down and a lack of passion that torments us.

But why is it happening? Why does the void strike us so hard on the head and so exhaust us?

The answer is very simple: because we don’t know each other well. Have you ever stopped to tell yourself that the most important thing is how you feel, where you want to be and what you need to do to get there?

The important thing is not what happens in our life, but who we are and how we want to live it.

Knowing this, we realize that it is better to stop thinking that we are interesting, beautiful, likable, and very sociable people, but rather that we have to have a handful of dreams in order to survive.


Identity and emotional self-knowledge, two keys to our well-being

We need to put aside all the misstatements and define ourselves in the present moment.

The important thing is not whether you are a doctor, a salesperson or a domestic worker. Thinking in this way will only add emptiness to emptiness and leave you with a bitter resentment that will destroy your identity.

It is important to realize that the price to pay for our ignorance of ourselves is very high.

Are you sure you want to be a doctor, find the love of your life, or be a parent? You don’t have to conform to any of that at all, and it’s those kinds of patterns that are causing you problems.

When our ego collapses, emotional emptiness arises. Everything then becomes simplistic labels, patches that barely cover our wounds, and bands that prevent us from seeing.


How can we no longer feel this inner emptiness?

Emotional emptiness is exhausting and unbearable  because it reminds us every time we have failed to reach our goal, leaving us full of despair and desolation.

You can try to fill it up by overeating, seeking true love, drinking alcohol, exhausting yourself at the gym, or filling your calendar.

However, you will continue to suffer from this feeling of “ I need something but I don’t know what it is ”.

Without a doubt, the void determines your life and well-being, allowing the overall balance of architecture which includes all our feelings.

In fact, this disconnection that occurs between the limbic system and the prefrontal system is the same that occurs in people with depression.

The fight against this vacuum is not easy. It gives us the impression that all the most negative emotions and sensations that exist have banded together against us to end us.

However, we can still decide what to do with our life.

We have the power to define what worries us and to fight against, or to continue to be a boat adrift, plunged in an ocean of pain and uncertainties.

We all have to dive inside ourselves, and try to find out what is causing this feeling of emptiness.

There are no magic formulas or foolproof cures. The solution lies within each of us, and it all hinges on coming to the shores of truth. Change is a door that can only be opened from within.


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