How Can You Strengthen Your Immune System?

How can you strengthen your immune system?

To be immune means to be protected. And the immune system has this mission:  it is the body’s natural defense to fight infections. Thus, if it is weakened, our body’s ability to fight weakens and we become more vulnerable to certain diseases. Here we give you some keys to strengthening your immune system in a natural way.

How the immune system works

The main cells of the immune system are leukocytes or white blood cells. So when the body detects a threat, these cells mobilize and travel through the blood to the source of the problem. Their function is to repair the tissue that has been damaged, to serve as a containment barrier against infection and to produce substances that are at the origin of pain, the algogens.

Inflammation is the immune system’s way of fighting infections,  whether caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, or prions. It detects particles that are harmful to health and, when faced with their invasion, reacts by attacking and destroying them. The inflammation comes to an end only when the threat disappears.

White globule

If it doesn’t work properly …

When the immune system is affected, the negative repercussions on the body can be manifold. Among them, immunodeficiency, the “drop in guard” of the system. In this way, the body’s protective mechanisms and natural defenses are less active than usual.

We can also see certain autoimmune diseases  that cause the system to mistakenly attack healthy cells in the body. The body can no longer distinguish between its own tissues and infectious agents. Since it is confused, it inflames parts of the body which are healthy. There are over 80 types of autoimmune diseases and although in many cases their causes are unknown, they are believed to have a strong hereditary component. They have a higher prevalence in women.

The keys to strengthening your immune system

Just as there are internal factors that interfere with its proper functioning,  there are other external factors that we can better control. Therefore, we can intervene to modify them and strengthen our immune system. What are these factors?

A balanced diet

This is the main factor that can strengthen the immune system. The diet must be balanced. In other words, it should be based on  consuming all of the nutrients we need to the right extent.

Here they are: monounsaturated fatty acids (dried fruits, salmon, tuna, olive oil), dairy products, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables. Additionally, other nutrients that can complement your diet  and help boost your immune system are:

  • Vitamin E:  It is present in wheat germ, sunflower, safflower, corn and soybean oils, as well as in almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts or green vegetables such as spinach.
  • Vitamin C:  it is predominant in vegetables like cabbage, green vegetables like broccoli, and fruits like oranges, grapefruit, guava and lemons.
  • Vitamin A: it  is found in milk, butter or cheddar cheese, as well as in vegetables such as carrots or cabbage.
  • Iron:  it is present in lean red meats such as veal or beef, seafood (shellfish), liver and eggs.
  • Zinc and selenium:  they are found in beef, turkey and chicken meat or in shrimp, lobster and, in general, in the majority of fish. The advantage is that these minerals are present in almost all the foods that we usually eat.

Avoid infections

Very often, our hygiene and that of food are conspicuous by their absence. Throughout the day, we put our hands in a large number of places: on doorknobs, in the toilets, on computer keys… Thus, the possible viruses or bacteria that are in the environment can affect us. It is for this reason that  you should wash your hands well before putting anything in your mouth. Although it may seem obvious, it is not something trivial and it is a good way to prevent infections.

In addition, even if food passes through a food safety chain, fruits and vegetables should be washed well before consuming them. Water and vinegar are sufficient for this. Likewise, it is recommended to  maintain the cold chain when cooking meat and fish.

Play sports

Another habit that can help us is  exercising for 30 minutes and at least 3 times a week. This regularity keeps our muscles active and helps that every cell in our body is oxygenated and can perform its functions better.

It is fundamental that the activity we perform involves setting in motion almost all the muscle groups in the body. For example, swimming, tennis, cycling, running or just walking. All of these activities promote coordination, flexibility and full body locomotion.

But beware ! Because just as a sedentary lifestyle interferes with blood circulation and promotes the onset of certain cardiovascular diseases, excess exercise can increase the vulnerability of your immune system. Exceeding the limits of your own body damages your defenses  as you push it to extremes and exhaustion. It is important to calibrate this intensity and to know how far you can go or not.

Meditation and relaxation

Stress, anxiety or depression very often have the power to reduce your ability to cope with adversities. If they present themselves continuously, in addition to altering the mood, they deteriorate and weaken your resistance and promote the appearance of diseases. A good way to avoid this and boost your immune system is to practice yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, or meditation. These are relaxation techniques that allow you to improve your breathing and, therefore, the balance between body and mind.

woman meditating

We are constantly exposed to harmful agents: cigarette smoke, pollution, dust, aerosols…  Strengthening your immune system is therefore the best way to prevent damage in your body. If you practice these few standards, your immune system will be strengthened and your body, in general, will thank you for it.


Diseases as a conflict between body and mind
Our thoughts Our thoughts

The deep bond that exists between our mind and our body often has repercussions on our organism and on our diseases.


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