3 Tips From Psychology That Will Make Your Life Easier

3 tips from psychology that will make your life easier

We live in a society where the number of pathologies associated with stress and anxiety continues to increase. Certainly we don’t like to feel stressed and the physiological alterations that accompany stress are unpleasant, but it is important to remember that from a psychology perspective, a medium, balanced dose of this stimulation is good for health because it reminds us that our mind also needs attention.

Although it is customary to associate stress with negative consequences for our health, it continues to have a positive part  which can be of great benefit to us both physically and mentally if we learn to manage and manage it. ‘use properly. Positive psychology is thus transformed into one of the best tools to pass this stage and stands out as a discipline which comes to tell us that emotional health can be worked on, beyond the presence or absence of an illness.

Today  we are going to detail the 3 basic ideas that positive psychology offers us to make our lives easier and brilliantly overcome stressful situations. In addition, if you put them into practice, you will be able to take advantage of this situation to generate positive results in your daily life.

“Well-being and health are a duty, without them we could not maintain a strong and clear mind.”


Stress and joy, parallel emotions

In several scientific studies, it has been confirmed that the physiological symptoms of stress are very similar to the majority of the symptoms of joy. When we are stressed, we find it difficult to breathe, our heart rate increases and soars, which is a lot like what happens when we are overcome with joy and happiness.


Knowing this, we can give you effective advice which would be to view a stressful situation as a positive challenge: if we overcome it, it will allow us to move forward. Being able to control our emotional state and succeed in the challenges we throw at ourselves produces a real feeling of joy and happiness. Remember this little gift whenever you feel stressed or start to have nerves giving up.

How to feel sure of yourself from the first minute

Self-confidence is one of the self-perceptions that requires a lot of work and diligence. Very often, it is damaged and weakened by stress and by a process of common attention, that of focusing on negative things and accumulating them in our memory, without leaving space for all that we have done well. .

On the other hand, and in connection with the perception of trust that others have about us, it has been shown that the people around us are always a little clumsy when it comes to making assumptions about the level of trust. that we have about what we have decided to undertake. In fact, it is more likely that love is having fun interfering with, which leads to an overestimation of trust on the part of those close to us.


Non-verbal language as a basic pillar of relationships

This is something that you already know and that we are going to remind you with pleasure: the great importance of non-verbal language in making our personal relationships more healthy and balanced. There are a lot of texts and tools available for you to practice your non-verbal language, but there are also some quick tips you can put into practice.


For example,  eye contact increases the likelihood that the chemistry will work when you meet someone, and even lessens the effects of negative communications. It somehow protects the communication channel and indicates to the other person that we are receptive and immersed in this exchange. If it doesn’t come naturally to you because you are shy, you can practice doing it in a conscious and purposeful way with someone you trust who you know well.

During business meetings or other situations that require a great deal of emotional strain, it is important to remember to stay calm. For this, when you are in front of colleagues at meetings, imagine that they are old / old friends. Thus, you will feel more free, you will worry less and can therefore appear as more natural.

“Look at things as if you are seeing them for the first or last time. So your time on Earth will be filled with glory. ”

-Betty Smith-

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