Discover 3 Tips To Manage Impatience

Impatience is usually an unnecessary feeling. It wears us out, hurts us and frequently pushes us to make mistakes. So what can we do so that it doesn’t harm us?
Discover 3 tips for managing impatience

Do you know how to manage impatience? Impatience is dangerously close to anxiety. It’s no secret that we’ve become more impatient. The hectic pace of life in the modern world has accustomed us to having everything done faster and we have become less tolerant of waiting times.

This is truly unfortunate, because anything that has value and meaning is built up over time. Usually, quick results are also more fleeting. In addition, we cannot speed up the clock of certain realities which require their own process. Under these conditions, impatience ends up being self-defeating.

Finally, it constitutes a lack of emotional synchronization with the rhythm of reality. However, if the latter does not go at the speed we want, it is because of our lack of adaptation. So how do you deal with this fierce feeling of not being able to wait any longer? Here are three keys to getting there.

Concerned man who does not know how to deal with impatience.

1. Identify the real need to manage impatience

We rarely take the time to analyze what is really behind impatience. Maybe it is reality going at a different speed than we are used to.

When this rhythm decreases, we feel the contrast and that bothers us at first. If this is truly the reason for impatience, it is most likely that we will pick it up quickly.

Nevertheless, sometimes other reasons lie behind impatience. If we have a strong need for something to happen or not, it may be because we don’t accept the present moment. We therefore want to escape, and impatience reflects this impossibility of doing so.

In these cases, the problem isn’t with what doesn’t happen, but with our difficulty adjusting to a present that may not be very pleasant. Now, this present is all we have. Before we think about how we can get rid of it, maybe we should think about how to find a good place within this reality.

2. Deconstruct desire to manage impatience

We do not always know what this desire that pulsates behind our impatience is. On the surface, it is simply the wish to get out of a situation that involves suffering, lack or discomfort. No one wants to stay in these states for long, so impatience arises when no change occurs.

This second scenario is similar to the first. Not wanting the reality you live in doesn’t mean that the solution is to resist it, while waiting for things to change. Rather, we must work to change this present, as much as it can be at the present moment.

For things to happen, it is not enough to desire them. And for them not to happen, it is not enough to resist them. In both cases, there is a fruitless effort, but an effort in spite of everything. We always have room for action and we need to hang on to it to manage impatience.

An impatient woman who can't handle impatience.

3. Meditate, an antidote against impatience

Meditation is a practice that calms the mind. Achieving a deeper state of calm makes it easier for us to listen to what is going on within us and to understand it better. It is easier for us to know, for example, if we want something to happen or not, or if we want to run away from that part of us that does not know how to face the present.

Meditation is not calm in itself, but a tool to better control our mental speed. By practicing it, we will gain in adaptability. Otherwise, if we let ourselves be carried away by impatience, everything becomes more difficult. Being impatient can be a factor that delays or blocks what we so desire.

Patience, like so many other qualities, is not included in the package we carry with us when we are born. This is a trait that we must cultivate and which takes hold in us with a lot of practice. Difficult situations are the perfect ground for developing this virtue.

Doing concentration and meditation exercises can help. Just like telling yourself that deep down, impatience is useless. Consider the following quote: ” Just because you get up early doesn’t mean the sun rises faster .” Everything has its own rhythm and, often, this rhythm does not depend on our desires and / or needs.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

Adopting a positive attitude allows us to enjoy our daily life more. Impatience will take us away from this goal.

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