The Crisis Of Middle Age? No, It Is Actually An Awakening

We have somehow been led to believe that we are being forced through what many define as the crisis of middle age.
The crisis of middle age?  No, it is actually an awakening

Those over 40 or 50 are actually feeling an awakening, not a crisis of middle age. It’s about putting aside old beliefs, proprieties and stereotypes to rethink yourself, to write a new and better personal step.

Today the word “crisis” is used excessively. There are social crises, economic crises, cultural crises… not to mention the usual personal crises. More than something one-off in time or occasional throughout our life cycle, we might rather assume that humans live in a permanent state of changes, oscillations, ups and downs of less or less. greater importance.

We will find, if we apply this definition to the crisis of middle age, that many of these points are not fulfilled. Especially with regard to the new generations of men and women who have already reached this stage of their life. This new sector of the population is already calling into question the traditional view of this once critical period. Indeed, this stage now corresponds to what many define as “an awakening”. There is a search for something better. A positive reformulation to gain strength and personal growth.

middle age crisis

Does the crisis of middle age still exist today?

We understand in psychology that every stage of human existence involves a series of challenges and difficulties. So the so-called developmental crises or transitions determine those moments between childhood and old age where interference often appears that threatens our identity, our expectations and our sense of control. The person is obliged to leave behind certain ideas in order to assume new realities.

We have somehow always accepted that some crises are “predictable”. This is the case with adolescence, for example. The crisis of middle age generates changes that require redefinition. Thus, and until recently, entering this late summer loaded with autumnal air (middle age) meant only one thing: accepting the disappearance of youth and transformations such as aging, menopause, loss parents, the empty nest …

Other ideas are coming in force today. New winds.

Maturity is not synonymous with losses, but with profits

Many voices today demand that the term “middle age crisis” be replaced by “the search for identity in the midst of life”. There is definitely a transition. However, more than the loss of “something” what is happening is a personal search. A desire to leave one step behind to reach another with better resources, freedoms and identities.

It is a period of profits for several aspects:

  • There is no desire to go back, to find the freshness of 20 years or the energy of 30. 
  • This step is accompanied by the conviction that the past has been well lived. That it was useful but that the quarantine must be built as a step towards personal development.
  • Many people, and especially women, want to find their place in the world. This can become an exceptional driver of change.
middle age crisis

A period of expansion

Social networks are a reflection of our reality. To understand the essence of this shift in the so-called Middle Age Crisis, one need only look for hasstag # FaB   (fifty and beyond, “fifty and beyond”).  We will find there a generational movement full of vitality. Indeed, middle age is not synonymous with senility, loss, but profits and above all expansion.

Today’s “fiftieths” are very intellectually active people. And professionally. They represent this human capital that offers excellence to companies. And quality to any organization or project. They are indeed more critical insofar as they know better problem-solving and they have an experience that knows how to update itself, which applies to lateral thinking.

We also cannot ignore the unstoppable and hopeful social change that women are experiencing. We see them assume positions of power. We are witnessing how they lead their own leadership projects. Of how often they are able to make drastic changes in their lives. And this to realize their dreams of youth once they reach maturity.


To conclude. The crisis of middle age is no longer so critical. Indeed, nothing is lost. We are winning, on the contrary. The old values ​​have already expired. Happiness is not exclusively linked to youth. Well-being, realization and illusion have no age. We actually start to really age the day we stop having plans. The day the goals get blurry. And where the fear appears. Or the shadow of limitation.

So let’s not call a crisis which is, in reality, an awakening.


Mature loves: autumnal souls that connect
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Mature age is a time when love is experienced with more wisdom and less craziness, but with just as much beauty.

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