5 Situations That Steal Our Emotional Energy

5 situations that steal our emotional energy

We have all experienced at some point situations that steal our emotional energy. These are episodes that in one way or another involve us deeply. However, after having lived through them, we have the impression  that we have devoted a lot of effort to them when in the end they have given us little.

Emotional energy is another way of calling vitality. This strength we have, before we tire. We say that certain situations steal it from us because they  lead us  to squander this vitality for trivial things that require effort.

There are many situations that rob us of emotional energy. We should avoid them because they demand too much and bring little in return. These are episodes that only distract us  from the important, from what is enriching. Let’s learn how to identify them to avoid them. Here are five of them.

1. Discussions of trivial matters steal our emotional energy

Debate is a fabulous opportunity  to present our own views and learn from the opinions of others. Few things enrich as much as constructive dialogue between people who think differently. It broadens perspective and enriches thinking. Talking also helps build communication skills.

discussions of trivial matters steal our emotional energy

Something very different happens when two people get into an insignificant discussion, the sole purpose of which is to “beat the other”, to impose their own arguments. This often only generates discomfort. N or s wasting considerable energy. We bring out the worst sides of ourselves for a simple matter of ego.

2. Complaints

Complaining or listening to the complaints of others insistently are situations that steal emotional energy. We all complain from time to time. This is normal. But complaining sometimes becomes a habit, a way of life. A perspective in which the same problem spins over and over again, without any effective intervention  to remedy it.

The complaint is a speech leading to the development of an attitude of helplessness. Reality is not what we want it to be, but instead of focusing on how it can be changed, we reiterate the negative aspects that we face. Spending time on this is not worth it. It just shirks our responsibilities.

3. Gossip

Another of the situations that steals emotional energy is turning our attention to the privacy of others instead of focusing on our own. This type of “voyeurism” is nothing more than a sign of lack of identity. He who gossips seeks himself in others, but fails to do so.

This attitude is also often accompanied by relentless criticism of others. The latter are observed. There is a tendency to intrude into their personal life, with a destructive mood. We have no time to waste on gossip. Not only do they steal our energy, but it degrades us.

4. Reiterated doubts

Ruminating thoughts almost always lead to confusion and inaction. It is clear that many of our decisions must be weighed. That the only way to do this is to review the pros and cons that appear in the panorama. But not to the point of initiating an exercise in eternal doubt.

Compulsive doubt is one of the situations that steals emotional energy. This corresponds to thinking only to utter “but” to our own thought. To this attempt to find the definitive answer through reflection alone. We forget that  many answers only come when we combine thought and action.

repeated doubts steal our emotional energy

5. Seeking approval

Much is done to gain the approval of others. It is sometimes a subject that worries and ends up blurring us. Instead of investing time in exploring who we are, appreciating others or not, we spend a lot of time doing things so that others appreciate us.

This is a waste of time. Others accept us, or not. For reasons that are sometimes totally beyond our control. From being blond, for example. Being Swiss, etc. The excessive desire for acceptance is actually a factor that generates rejection. It is therefore not appropriate to make efforts on this point.

These situations which steal emotional energy should be eradicated from personal life. We tend to participate when we are confused or going through a time of insecurity. Our life is worth a lot. Our time too. So let’s not waste it in circumstances that are not rewarding.


Science confirms it: some people drain us of our energy
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