The Tyranny Of Positive Psychology

The Tyranny of Positive Psychology

For some time now, the fashion has been for phrases which aim to be motivating but which, very often, are nothing more than advertising slogans.

Often, rather than helping us, these sentences make us feel guilty by teaching us what the tyranny of Positive Psychology is, understood in the sense of Coaching.

Coaching has nothing to do with Psychology, just as to be a coach, you don’t necessarily have to be a psychologist.

This fad derives from advertising, and as the name suggests, the coach is a personal trainer who tries to help us optimize our abilities.

However, Positive Psychology is not that; it does not consist in formulating a whole series of sentences in public in order to lecture, but rather in teaching us to see life in a more positive way without denying the existence of the malaise.

Adopting Positive Psychology is working from another point of view, in a way opposed to classical psychology, more centered on the symptom than on the capacity, the virtue and the strength of people.

Despite everything, some people think that Coaching and Positive Psychology are synonyms and use expressions which, if taken literally, become tyrants since they have the effect of temporarily hiding the discomfort.

Read the rest of this article and find out about some of them.


“To be a tyrant is not to be, but to cease to be, and to ensure that everyone does the same”

-Francisco de Quevedo-

Don’t complain

Don’t complain, because it’s up to you to do what it takes to make your life great.

If you wake up with a smile you will be fine, as obviously this is a decision that is entirely up to you.

If you believe it, the power of your mind will attract the positive and ward off the discomfort and toxicity of others.

Plus, strong people never complain, so don’t look fragile… or human!

In order to better fit in with Positive Psychology, it would be more correct to say “It’s about not indulging in the complaint”.

Thus, you allow yourself to admit that there is indeed a malaise by giving yourself the opportunity to try to find a solution.

This attitude is therefore far from being passive, since it is not a question of acting as if the reasons for the discomfort did not exist.

We all experience situations that bother us or hurt us, but that we are able to resolve.

While it is up to us to identify what is bad and eliminate it from our lives, we don’t have to put up with it just because we want to maintain an image of perpetual happiness.

The important thing is to be happy for ourselves, and sometimes to get there, we have to fight against the discomfort, even externalize it.


Use humor and love when faced with the madness of others

If your partner is in a bad mood, give them a hug and make them laugh. Your duty is to support others by putting on a good face, so as not to ruin their day.

They can’t spoil yours; you are always happy, and remember that if you smile, everything will magically work out.

This statement clearly shows that you are submissive to others and that your negative emotions should be condemned to silence.

Your needs are relegated to the background because the important thing is the other. However, nothing is less certain; the most important thing is that you always remain yourself.

Loving yourself and having the opportunity to express your discomfort to others is essential.


“Happiness is inside, not outside; that is why it does not depend on what we have, but on what we are. ”

-Henry Van Dyke-

Expressing our feelings to others, be they good or bad, is very important.

It is about being assertive, and making sure that no one takes away our right to be ourselves in the good as in the bad.

Love others unconditionally

When someone does something wrong, it’s either for lack of information or because the child in them has played a trick on them.

Forgive everything without asking for anything in return because the human being is pure impulse, he is not rational, and therefore he cannot make you suffer in order to overcome you or take advantage of you.

The human being is rational and intentional in most cases.

Even if it is certain that one does not always injure voluntarily, it is up to you to estimate if one manipulates you or if it is a negligence without any intentionality.

Follow your instincts and know who wants your good and who wants to hurt you.

Remember that wolves can slip into lambskin, but they are wolves nonetheless.


True Positive Psychology

True Positive Psychology doesn’t subdue you or make you feel guilty, but rather maximize your strengths in the face of adversity.

Do not deny that discomfort exists, but help yourself to see it and face it from a different point of view, related to well-being.

Positive Psychology does not claim to reduce your life to absurdity or to dominate it with simple slogans.

She also doesn’t pretend to admit that life is hard, but rather that how hard it is largely depends on the perspective you face it with.

As a famous American writer said:

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving in good health in a well-preserved body, but rather a journey that ends with a limp in the midst of a cloud of smoke. , completely worn and destroyed, while exclaiming, and rightly: “Phew! What a journey !”

-Hunter S. Thompson-

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