Depression: Phrases To Move Forward

Depression: phrases for moving forward

Depression is a complicated subject. Many people suffer from depression for years without barely showing it, while others are more open about it.

However, people who suffer from it all have one thing in common: they have to face it every day as if it were a challenge.

When you weaken and depression is oppressing you, think back to the following sentences. It will not solve the root problem, but it will help you stay hopeful.

“What a wonderful life it has been for me. If only I had realized it sooner! ” – Colette

Life doesn’t have to be perfect. The hazards are the proof that we are progressing little by little on the path of life. It’s common for depression to prevent you from perceiving all the wonders around you, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any.

Think about the people who love you, and even more so who you love. Give yourself time to weaken every now and then, but then get up and move on.

One day you will realize that all of your wounds are imprints on your mind, which shape you.

“Depression is fueled by unhealed wounds” – Penelope Sweet

If you don’t learn to heal your past, you can’t have a happy future.

The moments in which you stay locked up crying to heal your heart momentarily, let you know what to resolve.

It’s part of the process, but after that, you have to act. Find the help you need and agree to be accompanied.


“I have committed the worst sin one can commit: I was not happy” – Jorge Luis Borges

Life is fleeting and short, and we are just a sigh. This is why it is obligatory to learn to be happy.

Don’t just watch the day go by, but  look for reasons to smile, even if you’re in a rough spot or feel like crying and stepping away from the world.

Go out, soak up the sun, chat with friends, meet people you particularly like and laugh.

You wouldn’t want old age to fall on you and realize that you missed out on all of these beautiful things.

“Depression is the inability to build a future” – Rollo May

While you are stuck in the past, your future cannot begin. Life will seem hazy and aimless to you.

What is holding you back? Do you prefer to be strong and move forward or give importance to something insignificant?

Do not feel guilty, because we have all known this kind of passing, but what matters is knowing how to continue despite the defeats of life.

“Depression is a prison where you are both the prisoner of suffering and the cruel jailer” – Dorothy Rowe

Unlike other problems, in a situation of depression your own worst enemy is yourself.

Indeed, you enter a vicious circle filled with guilt, suffering, sadness and loneliness.

You cannot accept this! You are the master of your life and you must take responsibility and take back control. Only you can decide when to suffer and when to get up.

Find the strength to value yourself and minimize what hurts you.


“Every day begins with an act of courage and hope: getting out of bed” – Anonymous

One of the goals of addicts is to live one day at a time, because you can’t plan for a lifetime if you haven’t made up your mind to fight today.

Even if you don’t feel like getting up and getting ready each day. Keep your house in order and make sure you meet all of your obligations.

The more time you spend doing nothing, the more likely you are to experience depression.

What are you waiting for to fight for yourself?

Only people who have suffered from depression know how difficult it is to move on.

No one has the right to judge you because you are weak and you no longer have the strength to continue.

You have to do something to get up, because no one can fight for you.

Cry, shout or express yourself however you want, but keep moving forward, because  there are still so many beautiful things to experience …

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