Silence Can Change Your Life

Staying calm and immersing yourself in silence is a path we can take to get back to basics. We have forgotten that a peaceful mind and heart is the only path to balance and well-being.
Silence can change your life

Silence is the easiest and most natural way to calm the mind and calm emotions. It is a very simple truth, which has very profound consequences. It’s crazy how much you can achieve simply by learning to remain silent, without even having to move! Not as an act of braking or repression, but as a way of intelligently avoiding all types of situations.

It is no exaggeration to say that our life can change if we can keep silence central. The conflicts that can then be avoided, and the clarity and balance that can then be achieved, are not negligible. Indeed, many connoisseurs define Zen precisely as the ability to remain silent and remain calm.

Today everything seems to go against tranquility, silence and simple lifestyles. Rather, we are surrounded by stimuli, experiences and noise. A lot of noise. The human being remains in an attitude of accumulation which leads to states of anxiety. This makes it easy for us to end up feeling dissatisfied, no matter how many experiences, romantic relationships, amounts of money, or successes we may have accumulated. The reason is simple and unique: we have forgotten the basics.

Stimulus bombardment

Even though all advancements in science and technology have been made to solve problems and make life simpler, in the end it has failed, for simplicity is a concept that resides in the minds and hearts of people. people, not in a device or mechanism.

A woman carrying a cloud

Many contemporary inventions exist, basically, to save us time. Time is life, and what we have tried to do is not to waste this precious good by carrying out mechanical actions which bring little or nothing to our development. However, instead of taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity, we end up making this free time a space for coercion, mundane actions and automatisms.

It’s like we’re afraid to leave moments or spaces empty. We are obsessed with the idea of ​​filling even the smallest void. This is the reason why the silence has also become intolerable for many people. Indeed, they think that they must always react, say something.

You have to see how some people are afraid when they don’t have their cell phone with them…! This supposes a silence in this infinite virtual interaction that they maintain.

A simple life

We make our lives unnecessarily difficult. We accumulate completely insignificant objects, desires and actions. And sometimes when we feel the weight of it all, we end up trying to acquire another object or another experience to ward off this discomfort. We forget that the secret is not to acquire something more, but rather to get rid of what we have in excess.

A simple life is one where you can live and do what you need. Eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you are full. Sleep when you are sleepy and wake up when you need to. Work, love, enjoy moments of leisure, apply themselves in moments of work …

The simplicity lies in getting back to basics. Part of the secret to getting there is to make room for silence. This is the path to take for the mind and heart to adopt a more calm rhythm. This is the only way to recognize what is in us.

Silence contributes to well-being

Silence and its richness

Silence does indeed have the capacity to change our life. Indeed, through silence, we owe to the essential, to our essence. The Zen master f signals that silence and stillness go hand in hand. So how do you stay calm? Simply by stopping moving. Inner tranquility will then come on its own.

Our problem is not the things we don’t have, nor the romantic partners who abandon us, nor the positions or experiences that we fail to achieve. Rather, our problem is this frenzied and distorted desire to achieve something external, so that our internal world is calmed down. It is a bag without therefore where there will always be room for something more and where we will never have the impression of having acquired enough things.

The e peace and tranquility contribute to calm the chaotic and insatiable desire and encourage this state of inner peace we so desperately need. They help us differentiate between what is essential and what is unnecessary. This translates into greater inner clarity, greater lucidity, and of course, better actions as well as better decisions. Silence also speaks. He speaks to us. Why not listen to him?


Silence and rest: two things your mind needs
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Rest the body and mind, have a deep and restful sleep, enjoy the silence, a few hours of solitude … This is almost a luxury.

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