I Want To Be Happy In My Own Way

I want to be happy in my own way

Everyone likes to feel good; this is a principle that is difficult to challenge. If you ask someone what they want to do with their life, they are unlikely to tell you that what they want is to be unhappy, sad, or to just take it easy. failure.

People want to know what it’s like to be happy and are trying to find a way to make it happen.

However, while we all aim to lead fulfilling and fulfilling lives, there are many who do not know how to achieve it.

Today, it is very difficult to give a definition of happiness, because we live in a paradox; on the one hand, it seems that every object can be able to bring us closer to happiness, but on the other, obviously, nothing can be enough for us to reach it.

More than after a subjective state of happiness, it is after a concept that we have transformed into an ideal that we run.

Today, happiness has become a myth reflected in objects that enrich some and frustrate others.

The frantic quest for happiness

All it takes is a search on the Internet to illustrate the obsession that we all have for happiness these days.

Indeed, we can find millions of articles explaining what to do or not to do to be happy, presenting us what scientists say about happiness, and describing us the steps to take in order to be happy. to reach.

Not only do we feed the obsession to be happy at all costs, but in addition, we also want to achieve happiness in all areas of our life: at work, alone, as a couple, as a family, every day. .

In every corner, we look for those little keys that can allow us to feel luckier.


This search is endless, since as it is envisioned, it becomes an empty and unattainable ideal.

Nowadays, the definition we give of happiness is closer to that of romantic love, of which we can see multiple examples in the cinema, or to that of the epic search for the Holy Grail than to that covering yet its true meaning.

The business of happiness

Companies and the advertising world are looking for the slightest unmet need in their customers and other potential customers, and if they don’t find any, then they take it upon themselves to create or seek new ones in order to launch a product or service on the market that can cover them.

Happiness captivates and sells, because everyone wants to be happy. Companies know this well, which is why they seek to gain, through planned strategies, loyalty and customer satisfaction.

They play with the emotions of the latter so that they go through consumption to achieve happiness.

“Happiness has become one of many consumer goods, as if it were a product you could buy in any supermarket.”

-Angela Vallvey-


It is no coincidence that the economic crisis has coincided with these marketing strategies based on happiness ; indeed, in times of crisis, happiness is money.

The dictatorship of happiness

Not only has happiness become a consumer good, but it has also been imposed on us as an immutable standard.

We went from “I want to be happy” to “I MUST be happy”, and along the way, we also accepted messages like “wanting is power”.

These words are double-edged; on one side emanate the positivism and the motivation of “nothing is impossible” or even of “I will smile more and complain less”, while on the other, appear the “I should be happy” and other “j wanted, and yet I couldn’t, so something was wrong. ”

In the context of a society in crisis where the sale of happiness is a marketing strategy adopted by many companies, it is always good to remember that sometimes, as strong as one wants, one cannot always ; not to mention that if we do not achieve our goals, it is not always our fault.

Happiness doesn’t live alone

Happiness is a subjective feeling, as are many others. The internal life of each of us is made up of emotions and feelings that range from joy and happiness to sadness and anger.

Each emotion has its uses, each of them is necessary and fulfills a function. Emotions help us to make sense of our experiences, because it is necessary to live them all, to experience them all.

“Disney must have taught us that hatred and grief are necessary emotions, that they make us who we are. In Vice Versa, the real heroine is sadness, and the demolition of the Isle of Laughter from the child’s brain is the best metaphor for what one has to go through. “

-Quique Peinado-


And you, what do you need to be happy?

Happiness does not have a predefined model nor does it include generic products with magic formulas.

Each person has their peculiarities, tastes and preferences. What can make one person happy could cause another great sadness.

Happiness is not about buying the T-shirt with the most positive message, following plans made by others for their own happiness, or even faking smiles to look good in a photo.

In fact, being happy is much easier; it is about asking the right questions and looking for the answers away from all the standardized texts or other empty products.

“Yes, today everyone is happy. This is what we tell children, from their 5 years old.  But, wouldn’t you like to have the freedom to be happy… otherwise? Your way, for example; not like everyone else. ”

-Aldous Huxley, Brave New World-

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