Discover 8 Curious Dreams And Their Meanings

Does everything we dream of make sense? Do dreams have the same meaning for everyone? What does psychology say about this? Find out the answers to these and other questions here.
Discover 8 curious dreams and their meanings

The dream world is as fascinating as it is unknown. Not everyone believes dreams have meaning or carry a message. However, the literature on them is growing, and many hide a symbolism and a story. Here we present 8 curious dreams and their meanings as described by some guides to the dream world.

In the field of psychology, Freud was among the first to attempt to interpret the world of dreams through techniques such as free association (making associations between the elements of the dream and his life). According to Freud, the dream in itself is not that important, it is the interpretation of each of the elements of the dream that matters.

So everything we dream of has meaning for our psyche. Moreover, from the perspective of psychoanalysis, dreams hide repressed desires, hidden fears and other types of elements present in our life and in our mind.

There are many channeled emotions and thoughts present in our dreams. These emotions and thoughts fail to express themselves while awake. Discover a little more about the curious world of dreams!

A woman dreaming.

Some curious dreams and their meaning

What does it mean to dream of falling in love? And dream that we eat? Discover below some curious dreams and their meanings, all taken from two books : The Great Dream Book (2006) by Anna Monteschi and Interpretación de los sueños (Interpretation of dreams) (2004) by Luis Trujillo.

Banknotes of different types, one of the curious dreams

We can dream of tickets of all kinds. According to Anna Monteschi’s The Great Book of Dreams (2006), if you dream of a movie or theater ticket, the message would be: “Entertainment tires introverts”.

To dream of a lottery ticket is related to luck and is a warning against wanting too much. If it’s a train ticket, it suggests that maybe you should implement the initiative, as small changes require it as well.

To dream of a train ticket has to do with sacrifices that could improve your current situation. Finally, running out of bills suggests that while everything has been easy so far, you will soon have to pay off everything you have.

Eat or drink

Dreaming about eating is related to the need for new stimuli. If it’s at noon, it’s related to good social relations.

If they are living animals, it is a symbol of aggression. Eating meat is synonymous with safety and maturity. Eating fish means that you will soon receive new news. If it’s ashes, it means you tend to punish yourself unnecessarily.

If the food is nice, it means that you are open to new experiences. On the other hand, if it is unpleasant, you reject any possibility of opening.

If you dream of ready meals, it denotes confidence in your own strength. On the other hand, if you dream of vegetables, it probably means that your stable situation gives you little satisfaction.

To dream of eating in the company of someone refers to satisfied desires. On the other hand, to dream that we eat alone means that we will experience unforeseen isolation. If it’s sweet food, you might need some affection. If it is fruit, it points to health problems. If it is leaves, it is related to the knowledge of a deception.

Dreaming of a station is part of curious dreams

To dream that we are in a train station refers to  serious problems caused by indecision. If we are accompanying someone who is leaving, the dream indicates deep knowledge of an interesting person. If you meet someone at a train station, it means that you are at an important and confusing time in your life.

A birth

To dream of a birth is related to luck and better life. However, if the person who was born is blind and mute in the dream, it indicates bad luck.

Being born as a child means that all the worries you used to have have been forgotten for some time. If you dreamed about being born an adult, it means that you have denied your childhood.

A chase

Still a fairly common dream… Or rather, a nightmare? To dream that we are in a chase means that we believe we are being looked for in an interested way.

If we are the one chasing something or someone, it is because we want to harm a person, albeit for no reason. If we are hunting an animal, it means that we are generally acting on instinct.

Get drunk

To dream of getting drunk is related to the excess of impulse one has, an excess that can cause economic damage to someone. If we do it with liquors, it means a difficulty in controlling its actions. On the other hand, if we dream of wine, it refers to a current state of disorientation in our life and a feeling of guilt.

A couple in a romantic atmosphere.

To fall in love

Who has never dreamed of falling in love? This dream is related to the desire to live a love story. If we dreamed that we are falling in love with our partner, it means that the relationship could be long lasting. If it is a foreigner, it indicates a desire for novelty. And if it is an old friend, it indicates a need for security.

A lake

In the dream world, the lake is a positive symbol, but if you bathe in it, it is a harbinger of bad luck. If we are on its shores, a positive period arrives in terms of friendship and work.

If we navigate there, quiet and unimportant journeys will present themselves to us. On the other hand, if we live in the lake, it symbolizes calm but also the lack of stimuli in our life.

Did you have any of these curious dreams? Do you believe in the meaning of dreams? Anyway, practically every night we dream, even if we don’t always remember it. If you want a little advice so you don’t forget what you’re dreaming of, write it down as soon as you wake up. Otherwise, over the course of the day, you will forget about it.

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