Tolstoy’s 7 Best Phrases

Tolstoy's 7 best quotes

Reading Tolstoy’s best quotes is always a good idea. This makes it possible to visualize a form of life. Also, we learn from one of the greatest writers in history, not only in his native Russia, but also globally.

The figure of Leo Tolstoy has become a myth. We are talking about a convinced anarchist tormented by his own ideas and by the realism he embraced. He is historically revered in all corners of the planet. He was able to introduce a strong moral and customary component to all of his novels.

Tolstoy phrases

Let’s read together some of Tolstoy’s best quotes that can inspire us. This Russian writer was born in the 19th century. Let us remember that he was the author of great historical works such as Anna Karenina or War and Peace . Amen of a convinced vegetarian and great defender of alternative methods to violence to win battles.

It is undoubtedly worth taking a trip through the great work of Leo Tolstoy. This will not be an introduction or a short summary. We will be satisfied with only his best sentences. It is Russian realism in its purest form in the service of the humanity of yesterday, today and always.

Tolstoy photo

Learn to be happy

Tolstoy doesn’t discover anything new in this sentence: he simply states that we have a degree of influence over what goes on outside of us. In addition, this degree of influence is amplified by the influence we have on our thoughts (indirectly on our emotions).

So, if we cannot transform a certain situation, we can sometimes transform our point of view. Let’s look for other places that reveal hidden opportunities in which we thought there was no fertile ground.

The importance of faith

A man like Tolstoy with strong convictions kept a special place in faith. However, these convictions were not limited to the faith of the religious domain. They extended to other areas where beliefs play an important role, be it a burden or motivation.

Tolstoy firmly believed in anarchism, vegetarianism and non-violence. He was very clear about his beliefs. He had enormous faith in them and he found in them the strength to live for 82 years, until his death in 1910.


It is not easy to have your own ideas and to hang on to them. When they feel misunderstood, many people prefer to put their ideals aside and be an integral part of the society around them. Is this better than holding on tight to your opinions and living with some loneliness from others?


The order of things

What good is this ideology, faith, religion or homeland if you have nothing to eat? Before talking about philosophy, literature and the like, wouldn’t it be better to feed everyone properly? This is the point of view adopted by Tolstoy.

A matter of priorities

It is a sentence that easily coincides with the previous one. For Tolstoy, equality and the fair distribution of wealth was very important. If we want educated and prepared people, we must first make sure that their basic needs are met. Thus, their interest will be based on something other than the desire to satisfy them.

The wedding

For Tolstoy, the perfect and ideal marriage is one where partners row in the same direction. Once someone makes a mistake on the course or changes the pace, it can cause what has been so lovingly built to sink.


Let’s end with one of Tolstoy’s most beautiful sentences. Although it may seem trivial to you these days, it does not detract from the sanity of this great man of letters. Glory is not achieved through power or money, but through humility, generosity, and sincerity.


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