Spiritual Intelligence: The Search For A Goal Through Internal Calm

Spiritual intelligence: the search for a goal through internal calm

Spiritual intelligence aims to endow us with a sense of transcendence,  a vital purpose that goes beyond mere materialism. It is a type of philosophy that Viktor Frankl defended in his time. A philosophy that would allow us to feel satisfied by finding our meaning in this complex reality, a goal that can only be achieved through internal calm, personal balance.

Since Daniel Goleman popularized the concept of emotional intelligence in the 90s,  this movement of conceiving in a broader way all the cognitive, abstract and intellectual processes that orchestrate our minds has only grown. The subject itself is not exempt from some controversy, especially since Howard Gardner, a North American psychologist at Harvard University, defended another concept of intelligence.

We are, of course, talking about the idea of ​​multiple intelligences. Gardner told us about a series of areas, potentialities through which we can all shine. So, after these eight types of intelligence, he thought of adding a ninth. And he gave it the name of spiritual intelligence.

He was well aware, at this point, that he lacked scientific evidence to demonstrate this skill. That’s why he preferred not to include it. However, many philosophers and psychologists like Robert Emmons or Danah Zohar seek to add it to the list in order to  show that the recognition of this skill is a further step in human realization.

spiritual intelligence

What is spiritual intelligence?

You may have heard of Abraham Maslow and his pyramid of needs before. Note that Maslow made several corrections in his proposal. One of them referred to this need that crowned the pyramid. He finally realized one thing: it was essential that people aspire to “self-realization”, understood as a spiritual state from which creativity, tolerance and wisdom emanate.

It was a state through which the person  comes closer to the discovery of a vital purpose, the one that would give it meaning. Its potential would also be connected to that of others to generate good in them.

In addition, in our society, many people end up practicing what is called “spiritual materialism”. They seek, through philosophies like Buddhism, mindfulness or yoga, a way of self-realization, like someone who would follow a cooking recipe to the letter to self-feed, thus drifting towards an authentic tyranny of the ego.

Spiritual intelligence does not seek to fuel the ego. She longs to  find a vital purpose. We need to be in harmony with ourselves to better connect with others. And we also need to connect from empathy. A person who is good with himself will be able to give the best of himself to those around him.


The 12 principles of spiritual intelligence

Danah Zohar is a physicist, philosopher and psychologist at Harvard University. She is often seen as one of the greatest minds today and she, in turn, is one of the pioneers in promoting the acceptance of spiritual intelligence as an additional skill to work on.

In 2000, she published precisely the book “ Connecting With Our Spiritual Intelligence”  with a very concrete aim: to delimit and concretize the principles which orchestrate this type of intelligence.

Here they are :

  • Develop self-awareness. Know what our values ​​are, what we believe in, what defines us
  • Learn to be receptive to what surrounds us through an adequate internal calm, a balance without fear, without obsessive thoughts, without concerns …
  • Act from our principles and assume the consequences
  • Have a sense of belonging, know how to connect to what surrounds us
  • Cultivate compassion and empathy
  • Valuing people for who they are, by accepting what sets us apart
  • Dare to defend our convictions and our values
  • Be humble
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions, to look for the why of things
  • Be open-minded and have a critical sense
  • Develop adequate resilience
  • Have a vocation for something

What is the “real” use of spiritual intelligence?

Authors like Howard Gardner, Danah Zohar herself, and Robert Emmons claim that spiritual intelligence enables them to perceive more meaningful connections between everyday life and concerns. It is, according to them, a way of solving problems knowing our objectives well. Spiritual intelligence keeps us from focusing on things that are not worth it and helps us focus on what makes sense. It allows us to invest in more real happiness.

However, we lack that more critical view that warns us of what we can and cannot consider. Thinking spiritually takes all objectivity away from cognitive processes. Spiritual intelligence would make us see reality from an overly subjective point of view and, in a way, prevent us from solving problems in a more objective way. Because we move in extremely complex environments.

representation of spiritual intelligence

Anyway, the theme of spiritual intelligence (like the theory of multiple intelligences) is accompanied by this controversy which will always bring more cons than pros. Despite everything, we cannot rule out the interest it arouses in the field of personal growth. In the end,  nothing can be more important to a human being than finding a vital purpose and being true to that purpose.


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