Happiness Is Knowing How To Appreciate The Simple Things In Life

Happiness is knowing how to appreciate the simple things in life

The simple things in life are like stars shining on clear, clear nights ; they are always there, surround us, offer us their subtle magic.

However, we do not stop every day to watch them, and we sometimes tend to forget that they exist.

It is only when we miss them or when we are in a more or less bad patch that we suddenly appreciate what constitutes our heart and all these internal strings which make the music of our existence and which give it meaning.


Simple, kind and discreet things form the edge of our life day after day, this place where we can lie down in our days of turmoil and where all our joys have meaning.


There are those who usually say that the simpler our way of life, the less worries we have and the less mistakes we make.

However, everyone is free to complicate their life as much as they want, we all have the right to take risks, to have dreams and a social circle as wide and varied as we want.

What really matters is not leading a simple life, but having simple thoughts and being able to determine what is important to us, what really makes our hearts happy, and what makes us happy. characterizes.

From there, we are all free to found our own micro-universes. We invite you to reflect on this subject.

The simple things are the greatest things in life


Very recently, Google published the ranking of the most searches carried out by Internet users; among them we can find the following question: “how to be happy?”


To be happy is to close your eyes and want nothing more, and for that, you should not measure happiness by the money you have or not, but by those simple things that you would not give up, even against all the gold in the world.


We all think of at least one thing that we would never give up, even in exchange for the most incredible wealth : the lives of our children, our companion / companion, our brothers and sisters … even our animals. company, because what they give us and what we offer them is an emotional exchange that is priceless.

However, sometimes life does not make it easy for us ; for example , sometimes you may know that your children are the most important to you, but you have no choice but to work all day, which prevents you from spending as much time as you would like next to them.


You would, no doubt, like everything to be easier, which is why sometimes you feel like lost in the face of so much pressure and obligations which day after day take you away from what is true, essential.

This is why it would be interesting to take the time to reflect on these different aspects.

Live fully and consciously

To live fully and consciously is to know how to understand what period of your life you are in, it is to live the present moment, here and now.

  • We must take into account what our heart tells us and our needs. It may be, for example, that working more gives you the opportunity to have more things, but you are aware that despite everything, you prefer to spend this time with your family.
  • Living fully is also understanding that every effort is worth it, because everything you do makes you happy and brings happiness to yours.
  • If there is no reciprocity, there is no fullness. Look at your life as if it were a cycle: if you are not in harmony with yourself and what surrounds you, then it will be difficult for you to be happy.

Appreciating simple pleasures is a way of life

Not everyone knows how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life ; some are unable to see them when others do not know how to appreciate them, or tend rather for material things or immediate satisfaction, that which does not last …


Breathe, love, be happy, enjoy the simple things in life… It’s the only urgent thing, the rest, even if you don’t believe it, is secondary.


Appreciating simple pleasures is a way of life that many cultivate because they already have an adequate inner peace and without artifice.

After a long journey, simple pleasures lead us to discover little pleasures that we had never realized before:

  • The pleasure of beautiful friendships.
  • The pleasure of a hello and an unexpected caress.
  • The pleasure of a child’s contagious laughter.
  • The pleasure of this intoxicating wind after a storm.
  • The pleasure of a sun drowning in the ocean in absolute silence.
  • The pleasure of getting up on a Sunday without any worries …

Do not have any doubt to opt for this simplicity of mind and emotions in your daily life, because when we finally find this internal happiness, then it lasts forever, because it connects to our true being.



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