Connecting To Nature: 4 Exercises

It is essential to feel connected to nature. If you don’t know how to get there, check out our 4 exercises.
Connect to nature: 4 exercises

Connecting with nature is an increasingly difficult task. What was done before by simple inertia now requires intentionality and will. We have disconnected from our purest root. And forgot where we came from.

When we disconnect from nature, we often feel incomplete, anxious and frustrated. And we are not aware of the cause of these symptoms. It is therefore important to incorporate into our routine some exercises that allow us to connect to nature in a more or less usual way.

Nature brings us physical and mental energy

Our health is largely affected by the time we spend away from home. By “away from home”, we do not mean at the local bar but in the park, in the countryside, in the mountains, by the sea, by a river… These natural elements help us to disconnect from the rhythm of our modern society, which accustoms us to living at high speed and under stress.

To recover our physical and mental energy, we first need to let our body and mind rest. Thus,  the disconnection that nature offers us is perfect for this purpose. But do we know how to connect to it in order to disconnect and reconnect?

connect with nature

4 exercises to connect with nature

As human beings, we are in direct contact with nature since we are aware of our existence. The society we live in is only the product of the last decades. When was the last time you spent a few hours out of town? If you are unable to answer this question, these exercises will help you.

1. Be aware of the need to do this

Become aware of the need for contact with nature. This contact provides you with many benefits, among which we find: the absence of pollution, tranquility and knowledge of an environment in which we have evolved for centuries.

2. Make real contact with her

To connect with nature, it is essential to really get in touch with it. Go in search of the closest natural space, whether it is a park or a mountain. Sit back and breathe. Close your eyes, enjoy the scent of the plants around you.

Take your time to observe everything that is around you.  Do you know the trees around you? Do you know what species of animals live in this area? How many varieties of flowers can you tell apart? It is not a question of receiving specific training but of understanding the environment in which you have just immersed yourself. If you do, you will feel closer to the flora and fauna.

3. Walk barefoot

If the terrain allows it, really get in touch with nature. Feel it through touch and not just through sight and smell. Do you know what a fall leaf feels like? What about a stone covered with moss? Let your sense of touch freely develop new skills.

4. Take the opportunity to get to know yourself

Nature offers us another opportunity:  to know ourselves better. When we are alone, we can meditate or just sit down to think about important aspects of our life. Introspection and self-knowledge, together with the sensory experience of nature, will allow us to relax and bring us greater mental clarity.

connect with nature

Nature makes us smarter

These exercises do not only benefit our health and our mind. They also make us smarter. Here’s why:

  • Nature reduces stress and mental fatigue. By connecting to it, we recover energy which allows us to develop faculties. In this way, we will have a healthier mind, which will generate less worry.
  • It decreases irritability and aggressiveness. Therefore, it helps us to identify our emotions more easily and to develop positive feelings.
  • It improves self-esteem and self-control. This means that it strengthens our emotional intelligence, which helps us relate to others and to ourselves.
  • Nature also improves the imagination and sociability. Being smart doesn’t just mean storing data in our brains. It also means adapting better. Know what surrounds us. Or seek to maintain quality interpersonal relationships.

At the end of the day, nature is a gift we all too often overlook. We believe that the “comforts” of modern life have replaced natural challenges. Here, we offer you a balance: to  be able to combine a modern life full of screens and digital challenges with the tranquility of nature and a barefoot walk.


Connect with nature and you will be happier
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