Learning Is A Gift, Even If The Master Embodies Pain

Learning is a gift, even if the teacher embodies the pain

Everything we do has a double purpose: it can be a good or a bad experience, which can sometimes pierce us but which always makes us learn.

This is why learning is always a gift, even if our teacher often means pain.

We always learn from what marks us, what surprises us or catches our attention enough to stop there for a moment.

Pain as master

Pain tends to come with the same force as joy. Happiness and pain are often caused by the same things at different times in life.

Thus, pain comes after joy, with stories that end, lives that separate, illnesses that imprison …

“In pain, there is as much wisdom as in pleasure: these are the two conservative forces of the species”.

-FW Nietzsche-


As we said, pain is a master because it is always the certainty that behind, there is something that has made it worthwhile.

It is the antechamber of new joys where we will assess, understand, and take more care of what we have.

Continuous learning is a gift even if it is done from a pain that seems endless and unbearable.

It helps us become better people and makes us more aware of the fact that in order to reach the heights it is necessary to fall low, to question yourself and to resume the path towards new goals.

Learn from pain and avoid suffering

Learning from pain means understanding that there is a big difference between feeling unintentionally about something that hurts us and allowing yourself to let that feeling spread over time until it turns into pain. .

In other words, it is often said that pain is inevitable but suffering is optional. Pain is useful because it helps us face new realities and be stronger.

However, Suffering is useless: it is good to let go of it, to heal our emotions and to keep moving forward.

Setting limits on pain is something that needs to be done.

It’s time to put aside the endless answers and learn that quite simply, things happen and nothing can be done about them.

Learn that there can be a before and an after to pain

The pain can sometimes be so great that learning from it leads to a huge change in our inner self : the hits signal individual existence and remind us that there can be a before and an after.


Before something happens, we didn’t expect it, but when it ends, it becomes part of us.

The evil remains, in the form of experience and tools to face new adventures, because life is an adventure which supposes great successes.

Understanding and learning from pain is one of the best things you can do.

Pain is therefore a master because through it we see the possibility of a before and the importance of an after: we come out of it as someone disoriented in a cloud of gas which is suddenly brought back to life with a little clarity.

When we learn from pain, we realize what we were and what we did not know, we observe what was there but what we did not see.

We understand that pain teaches us to look forward, and to gain momentum.

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