3 Films About Love And Nostalgia

3 movies about love and nostalgia

The English patient

Some love stories on the big screen are beautiful, pleasant, and simple. However, others are utterly tragic, and tell us about a love that is as strong as it is toxic.

This is the case with the film The English Patient , which tells us the story of two hidden lovers, who betray tradition. They do so by plunging with passion and fidelity into madness, into the uncertainty of mystery.

“Love is an illusion, a story that we build in our minds, being aware that it is not reality, which is why we must be careful not to destroy the illusion.”

– Virginia Woolf-

the english patient, a film about love and longing

Their love is burning and seems to ignite with an aphrodisiac passion, which spreads through the desert of their tragic, sumptuous and unique destiny. In the account of this man with the burnt skin, we can see how his memories were not contaminated with the bitterness of the ashes.

They are locked in the music, in the curves of her lover, in the darkness of a cave and in the liveliness of her passion. He casts all the light he has on his memories, even though he is a man full of darkness. Love seems to save him from his pain and allows him to be serene before facing death, serene to have lived all he had to live.

Paradiso Cinema

Could we talk about love and nostalgia in cinema without talking about Cinema Paradiso ? We couldn’t forgive ourselves. Seeing Cinéma Paradiso is like taking a bite of the most beautiful nostalgia, that of childhood and freedom. It is also succumbing to the magnificent landscapes and Italian music, which accompany the story of the love that the young provincial Totó has for the beautiful Elena.

The film is not only beautiful, sweet and dreamy. It turns out to be quite moving and allows us to wonder about infidelity to his own nostalgia that a man can implement throughout his existence. It is something sad and beautiful at the same time.

The last scene of the film can be interpreted as a metaphor: all the kisses they give each other are beautiful, some are touching, like those that are stolen or hidden, but it is good to see that their happiness is in the maturity that dazzles us. An emotionally mortgaged maturity for a full-fledged investment in youth.

On the road to Madison

If a first love can mark us for life, the fact of spending our whole life in a relationship that does not satisfy us, in which there is no passion, is also something traumatic when we realize it. .

Social conventions, discussions that haven’t happened, emotional homework and all those things that get in your way are going to blow you up. On the Road to Madison is the story of a stable, well-settled woman who, for the first time, ventures to follow her instincts, until she loses her mind.

A woman who feels insignificant and invisible, who finds herself facing a man of the world, who had never before experienced such passion in his travels, such ardor with a lover who is only a simple woman with foyer. This film shows us all the beauty and absurdity of love and couple relationships: millions of people are in a relationship without loving each other, while millions of true lovers and accomplices live apart.

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