Learning From Mistakes

Learn from one's mistakes

No one likes to make mistakes, but when they do, we need to learn from them and realize that mistakes are an essential part of surpassing oneself.

There is no point in feeling consumed by guilt and remorse, you have to observe and analyze your mistakes in order to learn.

Of course, sometimes you can be self-critical, especially when you realize that you could have behaved better.

However, what is really important is learning from your mistakes and being able not to repeat them in the future.

How can you learn from your mistakes?

Your past decisions should not hold you back. What is done is done, and cannot be changed. Going forward, do things the best you can. 

–  Maintain the trust gained in your relationships, because trust is the key. Give as much as you get and avoid unreliable people.

– If you sincerely want someone you have hurt to forgive you, you must be able to feel their pain, because the person will feel that your apologies are sincere and that you really ask them for forgiveness.

 Do not feel guilty for being tolerant or complacent, because in some cases it is necessary to be discreet or to accept things as they are.

– Actually, you must be pleasant, you must not make others suffer, because if you treat them incorrectly, you will feel bad about yourself afterwards.

–  Control your anger, because it can kill your motivations. It makes more sense to let go of your anger than to waste time and energy on being sarcastic or hurting others.

–  Do not submit to your plans.

By what means?


If you’ve made mistakes and hurt someone, it’s important to apologize with dignity – to restore trust.

If you do not apologize, out of shame or lack of will, the injured person will hold it against you. However, if your apology is sincere, the person may forgive you.

It is more effective to ask for forgiveness in front of the person, rather than through an impersonal message. Once you’ve asked for forgiveness, you don’t have to repeat it several times. Rather, it makes more sense to sincerely apologize once and then move on.


If you’re afraid of making mistakes, you’ll spend most of your life doing nothing. Making mistakes is essential for the future. If you feel the need to avoid making mistakes at all costs, a psychological barrier will arise when it comes to taking risks.


Our natural instincts push us to justify our actions, and when we make a mistake, we feel the need to justify ourselves for the sake of our ego. However, sometimes it’s better to tell the truth: you were the one who made a mistake, period.


We make mistakes for a variety of reasons, and to avoid repeating them, it is necessary to identify and understand this reason.

If you make mistakes because you are constantly tired, try to get more sleep, and if you are under pressure, look for ways to relax and release stress.

Avoid repeating the same mistakes

You need to stop blaming your mistakes, sure, but you also need to learn from them.

If you repeat the same mistakes, you are not making any progress, and often the mistakes are due to bad habits.

To avoid making the same mistakes over and over, you’ll need to be conscientious and change the way you think through sustained effort.

Photo courtesy of felixbernet


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