How Do Manipulative People Relate To Others?

What relationships do manipulators have with others?

Without realizing it, we can become immersed in relationships with manipulative people who change the way we think or act, for their own good.

There are different “categories” of manipulators, depending on the control each individual has over the other. If this pressure is very strong, experts call it “narcissistic perversion”.

This personality type exists in all families and we are not always aware of this situation. You might even be a victim of manipulative people right now, and not be aware of them.

Narcissistic perverts, as some psychologists call them, are the people who constantly tell the other person what to do, in a subtle way but with an efficiency that is truly frightening, while limiting freedom.

These people can also have other types of negative behaviors such as, for example, emotional excesses of all types, aggressive and threatening behaviors, contempt and lack of respect.

When we speak of an evil individual, he is perverse 24 hours a day. The bond with his victim is determined in this way and nothing can change it, unless the one who suffers from the manipulation begins to want to change the situation.

In a relationship, it may take a long time for the victim to realize that she is being manipulated.

She doesn’t want to listen to what her loved ones say to her, she believes that everyone is wrong, that the other person acts this way because they love them, that they can make their own decisions, etc.

At one point, we don’t really know why, the person suffering from the manipulator’s claws wakes up from his drowsiness.

Imagine for a moment what the spider does with its prey: it wraps it in its web, until it can feed on it. This situation is similar to that of manipulators with their “prey”.

Without neglecting the fact that the victim of a manipulator may have deficiencies or problems, it should be known that the narcissistic pervert needs help.

If in relationships we all complement each other, the one who has the most to lose is the manipulator, not the manipulated.

Indeed, it is he who is “consuming” something that the victim possesses, such as intellectual capacity, charisma, solidarity, self-esteem, friendships, work, health etc.

We always talk about the characteristics of a manipulative person but we never talk about why that person acts that way, what they need and how they ask for help.

This does not mean that she is not responsible for her actions but it will be necessary to analyze the traumas or the problems of the past which led her to act in this way as well as her deepest needs.

When a narcissistic pervert manipulates a person who is easy to govern, it is then that he can put into practice or deposit all his traumas there,  because the manipulator acts when the victim allows it.

The pervert wants something that the other has, and for that, he uses his tools to take it away from him. The victim cannot see the maneuvers used against her, for she is blind to love.

However, it can influence his mind and emotions, like drops that fall on a stone and, after thousands of years, wear it out completely.

When a manipulator is with someone who is confident, who knows what pleases them, who has their own opinions on certain things, and who has had a bad experience with a narcissistic pervert in the past, that person has more to do with it. provision so as not to allow the spider web to envelop it.

But know that  no one is entirely immune to this type of personality, because some know perfectly well how to do a “very fine” and almost imperceptible work, until the other turns into a puppet.

Be extra careful with people you have relationships with. It is not about feeling threatened or persecuted all the time.

Do not hesitate to do some soul searching to determine, objectively, if you yourself have this type of personality.

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