Your Brain Can Heal You Too

Read this interesting article on the human brain!
Your brain can heal you too

Your brain changes with every new thought,  every new learning, and every experience you add to your life. This plastic, complex and fascinating organ can be our best ally when it comes to preventing and treating diseases. So understanding that your brain can also heal you – positively influencing a healing process – can allow you to apply new tools and new mental approaches.

One of the greatest plasticity experts is undoubtedly Dr. Álvaro Pascual-Leone. Researcher and professor at the Harvard School of Medicine, is one of the most inspiring references regarding the human brain and its potential.

We know that the phrase  “your brain can heal you too”  can make us think things are wrong. This organ, for example, will not be able to cure us of a chronic disease. However, it will allow us to prevent it in many cases. It may even curb its impact if we improve our lifestyles.

So, as Professor Pascual-Leone reveals to us, we must be able to understand  that we have the power to “sculpt” our own brain to be an ally and not an enemy. Surrounding ourselves with a social network of significant people, being curious, receptive, thinking positively or reducing the impact of stress will undoubtedly allow us to gain ground on health and well-being.


Your brain can also heal you: let’s be the sculptors of our own brain

The brain is like a universe filled with complex constellations. Every day we learn more about this cosmic ocean that stretches beyond our tiny planet. Now we are like astronauts exploring and discovering important data about the processes of our neural networks.

  • We know, for example, that every experience, thought and behavior can change our brains.
  • We also discovered this process which is called neurogenesis,  this clear proof that our central nervous system can continue to generate new neurons at any point in our life.
  • Studies like the one by Drs Chunmei Zhao and Dr Fred H. Gag of La Jolla University in California tell us how important  this process can be in preventing and mitigating the impact of realities like depression,  memory loss or neurodegenerative diseases.

This aspect is undoubtedly one of the most interesting areas of neuroscience. Especially if we think that until very recently we believed that the ability to generate new neurons was restricted until the early years of childhood.

Genes don’t determine our brain chemistry

We always have to take two aspects into account when we talk about neurobiology: that of genetics and epigenetics.

  • Whether we like it or not, these factors will always determine whether our brain has a greater or a lower probability of suffering from certain conditions.
  • However, when preventing these realities, we must not forget one thing:  genes do not determine us 100%. We have the power to initiate new practices and better mental approaches.

Therefore,  becoming the real sculptors of a healthier and above all more plastic brain  will help us reduce the impact of a large number of physical and psychological illnesses.

the power of the brain


A plastic brain is a healthy, resilient brain

Your brain can also heal you because it has an exceptional capacity: that of plasticity. But what exactly does this term mean?

  • Plasticity is our nervous system’s ability to change itself to respond to the environment around it.
  • It is also an evolutionary advantage that allows us to better adapt to challenges and difficulties.
  • When we talk about plasticity, we are referring to all of those changes that appear in our brains after our experiences.
  • Resilience is  a clear example of neuroplasticity because it defines this exceptional ability to overcome adversities by generating new strategies and learning from them.

How can we “sculpt” our brain to be involved in our health?

Your brain can heal you too, but how? This may be the question you are asking yourself. We already know that brain plasticity is an essential tool to face the challenges of our environment.

It has also been found that factors such as cognitive reserve allow us to cope better with neurological diseases. 

The keys to becoming these architects of our brain health are, in fact, accessible to the majority of us. These are extremely beneficial processes for the brain that generate new connections, stimulate it, optimize it, take care of it …

Let’s see what are these points that the neurologist Pascual-Leone advises us.

Adequate nutrition

A varied and balanced diet is synonymous with health. We should always look for fresh and organic products and avoid the abuse of sugar or saturated fat.

In addition, we must first consume foods rich in omega 3, magnesium, tryptophan, vitamin K, antioxidants …

Regular exercise

Sedentary lifestyle is a voracious enemy for health and for mood. It is therefore recommended to include some type of exercise in our routine. Going out for a walk for half an hour a day may even be enough.


Meditation and positive thoughts

Science has been studying the impact of meditation on our health for years. Harvard University, for example, reveals the benefits of mindfulness to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and stress.

On the other hand, if your brain can also heal you, it is because you have managed, at one point, to maintain a positive and resilient point of view. Positive thoughts improve brain health, regulate tension, and even improve the ability to integrate new learning.

Deep, restful sleep

Some people only need six hours of sleep, others need nine … However, the most important thing is that our night’s rest is deep and restorative. It is an essential element to gain in mental health.

Positive relationships

This advice is surely the best known. Our brain needs social connection in order to experience well-being and vital satisfaction. What’s more, having a meaningful support network helps us cope with depression, strengthens neural connections, and increases cognitive reserve.

Friendship is synonymous with health, love is a source of energy… Relationships that make us happy and do not cause us concerns make us gain mental health.

To conclude, now that you know that your brain can heal you too, don’t hesitate: improve your lifestyle. Remember, every day, that you can be the sculptor of this prodigious organ  capable of influencing your well-being and preventing certain diseases.


The importance of socialization for brain development
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