The Most Beautiful People I Know

The most beautiful people I know

“The most beautiful people I have met are those who have known defeat, who have known suffering, who have known struggle, who have experienced loss, and who have found the form to come out of these depths. These people have an appreciation, sensitivity, and understanding of life that fills them with compassion, humility, and deep loving concern. Beautiful people don’t come from nowhere ”.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

The most beautiful people I know are the ones who have faced life, its harshness and its injustice. These are the ones who felt vulnerable and hopeless, the ones who suffered the real problems and the tears inside their skin.

Beautiful people are not necessarily the most beautiful on the outside, but enjoy a special beauty. Beautiful people are those who have learned to forgive, to continue to move forward and reach out  even if defeat accompanies them, thus discovering the greatness of their being.

The people are wonderful, but there are some who are truly amazing. These are the people who hit rock bottom, who were hit hard by fate or by chance.

These are women and men who, at one point, lost what gave them life, joy and the desire to continue, but who found in their interior the momentum they needed.

This is the greatest beauty I know, because she overshadows all the mundane, the superfluous, the trivial and those little things that seem unimportant at times.

They have prevented suffering from withdrawing them prematurely from life and they do not want to turn what happened to them into regret. Maybe it’s this balance that gives them another aura and makes them worthy of admiration.

They know fear and despair so closely that they have had no choice but to face them.

These people are aware that there are countless ways to deal with a problem because they have developed a unique ability to fix it.

At first, it is likely that, like all of us, they refuse to accept what is happening to them.

Naturally, they also get angry, they get sad and sometimes they would be ready to compromise with the devil. What sets them apart is their extraordinary ability to get up.

Indeed, they are heroines and the only reality they contemplate is the importance of life.

These people have emotional richness and a great ability to balance the books with their feelings. They don’t see the glass as half full or half empty, but they see something in it that they can drink and use.

They know the importance of empathy because they understand the need for someone to care about how we feel, not to judge us.

They know the importance of being loyal and appreciate people who, in their suffering, have not separated from them.

They understand that anything can go away in an instant and that’s why they know how important it is to be kind and enjoy life every day.

Everyone suffers setbacks in life. The more of them, the more we learn and mature. It is often said that the lesson is learned when the pain subsides, even if scars remain on our body and soul.

This is why the most beautiful people I know are those who have not had an easy journey along the paths of their history.

It’s not that they have overcome the fear and the pain, it’s that they know that we cannot heal what we refuse to face.

Image courtesy of Annette Shaff

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