The Need For Recognition, The Pillar Of Self-esteem

The need for recognition, the pillar of self-esteem

We all need to be recognized. It is not a question of pride, selfishness or immaturity. In absolute terms, human beings, from birth, need the respect and tenderness of those around them.

We recognize our worth as a human being who is loved. We recognize our virtues and our ability to move forward, to be happy, mature and honest.

Our parents and loved ones are the first social circle responsible for offering us recognition, respect and tenderness.

If we have this first “substrate”, we have the privilege of enjoying a better self-esteem, thanks to which we can move forward emotionally and personally.

Later, through our social relationships, we will gain recognition from our friends and spouses.

Just as we accept to receive it, it is also essential to know how to offer gratitude to others.

In this article, we’ll dive into the concept of recognition.

Recognition and self-esteem

Let us first remember all the pillars that form the basis of our self-esteem:

1. Respect for oneself is essential. If someone doesn’t show off and recognize themselves as a capable and important person, they won’t get anything.

Love always begins with oneself. If I put myself in value and am able to see all of my virtues, I will be capable of almost anything.

2. Self-confidence:  I am aware of my abilities and my limits, and I trust myself to move forward with balance and security along my vital path.

If I don’t trust myself, I lose control of my life and leave it under the control of others.

3. The responsibility to have control over our life: You are the captain of the ship. You are neither a boy, nor a passenger. It is essential to understand this as early as possible in order to be able to make your own decisions.

4. Belief that we are of value: Never look at your life from the point of view of deficiency but of possibility and capacity.

Recognize your virtues and your strengths, but never your weaknesses. We are all valuable to be happy in this complex life, it is enough to have self-confidence and be courageous.

If you constantly think that other people are better than you, you will start to put up walls around your life. Don’t fall for this mistake.

As you can see, in the topics covered in this article, we integrate the need for recognition, but above all the proper recognition, the certainty of knowing that I am a person deserving of success, balance and happiness.

It is possible that during the first few years of your life, you did not receive the respect and recognition of your family. These bonds of affection may not have been the most appropriate for you. However, never get stuck in this unhappy past.

Look inside, look for the strengths we all have and the life jacket of that personal recognition, the one that tells you that you are a brave person, that you deserve the best, and that love always begins with yourself.

The need for healthy recognition

In this article, we talk about an essential recognition that fosters the concept of self-esteem. However, we must add a little nuance to this speech.

We’re sure you know at least one person who is always looking for recognition from others, someone who values ​​their actions, words, behaviors, attitudes and even their looks.

When these needs become almost obsessive, one could speak of unhealthy recognition.

As we said before, it is essential that recognition is also part of one’s own inner strength.

There is no need for others to recognize that I am a person of integrity and courage . I don’t need to be constantly telling me how well I’m doing things, because I already know that.

So it is obvious that we all need our friends, family and spouse to give us gratitude, but not in an obsessive and continual manner.

Otherwise, we will show insecurity of our person, and therefore, a pillar of self-esteem will be broken.

Recognition is vital for human beings because it helps us to grow up in security.

It is also essential to exercise it within us, in order to obtain an internal locomotive capable of giving us confidence, strength and stability.

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