Soft Power And Hard Power, Two Forms Of Control

How can one country control another? Find out about the two most commonly used forms of control between nations.
Soft power and hard power, two forms of control

Any relationship is based on forms of control and takes into account power. When two people, groups or organizations come together, one will have more power than the other. This means that there is a greater likelihood that the weaker will end up following the line determined by the group with the most power.

In other words, power becomes a form of control. But power doesn’t just appear between people. It also has an influence on relations between countries .

Relations between countries, studied as international relations, are based on these power dynamics. The most powerful countries will use their power to get other countries to accept their proposals.

More concretely, one of the definitions of power that we use in international relations conceives of it as the ability to influence the behavior of others and to obtain the results that we want. Let’s dig deeper.

Two forms of control

We are used to saying that in order to gain power, one must be loved or feared.  Either you have the power because everyone accepts you and thinks you deserve it, or you have it because others fear you. Obviously, these are two different ways to get power and each will have different consequences.

When we transpose these two forms of control to international relations, we are talking about soft power and hard power . Before explaining what each of these forms of control consists of, it is necessary to understand that the main goal of countries is to increase or maintain their power.

Man handling puppets.

Hard power

Hard power is that which is found in economic and military circles. This power consists in imposing one’s will through fear. 

It is therefore a question of dominating another country through military or economic superiority. A good example is military weaponry, with countries like Iran and North Korea threatening to produce atomic bombs to gain power.

This type of power can be implemented through military power. It can lead to wars and alliances. Thus, one would use the threat of force for the purpose of intimidating and limiting.

On the other hand,  economic power can also be used to exercise hard power. The economy can indeed be used as a means to help, to bribe or to sanction.

Soft power, one of the forms of control

Soft power is the ability to affect the actions or interests of other countries using only cultural and ideological means. This form of control is based on the power that resides in culture and in ideas. Thus, this type of power will make it possible to achieve the desired objectives, very often in an indirect way.

This type of power is descriptive; he gives information instead of sending to obey orders. Soft power produces attraction, it is about making others want what you want. Democracy is thus desired by many countries in which citizens feel that their freedoms are hampered.

Two trees in the shape of a head.

What is the best form of control?

The form of control to be exercised, soft or hard power, will depend on the possibilities we have and the goal we want to achieve. We find an example of this with the 2008 Beijing Olympics. During this event, a journalist wrote the following:

Ultimately, the best form of control is a combination of soft power and hard power. This is what has been defined as intelligent power. Thus, a country should not give up its diplomatic or military power, but it should also set itself as an example for others to follow.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

Social power is present in all areas of life. Some people have power over others. Now, what is power?

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