Being With An Empty Person Is Like Being Alone

Being with an empty person is like being alone

They say the world is full of empty people, bodies with hollow souls who need to feed on the feelings of others to feel useful, important … Alive, at the end of the day .

There are different types of loneliness. The one that we appreciate is the one that allows us to get in touch with ourselves, to listen to ourselves, and to skillfully take care of our self-esteem.

However, there is a type of loneliness as destructive as it is dangerous, which we experience when spending time with certain people who are important to us, but who are empty.

These people matter to us because we have chosen them freely, we have projected intense emotions and feelings into them until, little by little, we realize that certain things are missing, and that it makes us suffer.

It is not easy to understand the process in which one can fall in love with, for example, an empty person.

However, sometimes, even within our social circle, some of our friends, and even some members of our close family, exhibit this characteristic.

What should we do about this lack of emotions, empathy and reciprocity for ourselves and our integrity?

Let’s see this in detail.

Emotional loneliness in empty people


Alexandre Dumas used to say that his father often complained about empty people. He defined them as pitchers. “The more empty they are, the more noise they make”.

With this symbolic sentence, we already feel that these people are generally noticed, that they do not go unnoticed, and that they do not leave us indifferent either.

Now, why do we define them this way? What is behind this type of behavior?

1. A lack of emotional reciprocity

We are not going to argue here about the existence or not of the soul, which is the first thing we usually think of when we talk about empty people.

We therefore understand the void as the “non-existence” of a whole series of basic dimensions.

– Empty people are unable to project themselves to understand, to show empathy and to grasp the personal perspective of the people they have in front of them.

– Their behavior is based on a set of unconscious rules where the priority of their needs is essential.

– They are considered unconscious because they always act automatically without appreciating the results of their actions because for them, there is no room for error. 

Mistake is a weakness they cannot afford.

– Empty people do not know how to listen, nor to open up to others. If one day they do so, it is because they find it a personal interest.

2. A need to subdue and “add to” someone more emotional than them

Usually empty people are characterized by something very basic: the absence of happiness in them.

In their world, they only seek to pull the strings and manipulate the emotions of others to fill their unfathomable voids and fill their gaps.

However, they will never be animated by generosity, altruism or the joy of living.

Generally, they oscillate in extremes. They go from everything to nothing, from a need for excessive love to the most absolute indifference once they have had their dose, then bundling themselves up in the cloak of emotional loneliness.

Empty people are incomplete people who have immature relationships with others. Do not be the water that fills their voids, the spark that rekindles their passing happiness, or the light that illuminates their loneliness; in the end, you will end up suffering from it.


How to face life with empty people?

The first thing you think about is to distance yourself and walk away. However, we are talking about emotions, relationships that we establish with people who matter to us.

After investing the necessary time and putting the right strategies in place, we will decide whether to end this relationship or not.

Often we have a habit of saying that we are all a little broken. Some refine their angles, and others file their voids.


Daily life, our own emotional balance and our integrity are the main warning signs that we must protect in all circumstances.

Now let’s see what remedies to put into practice:

Facing the family : if in your closest circle you have a father, a mother or brothers and sisters who act in a cold and empty way, reduce their importance in your daily life, as much as possible. Make sure they no longer have any authority in your life.

Don’t make the mistake of acting like them. Always show your integrity, compare words and situations to show them who you are, and what defines you.

Facing your mate : if you are already aware that your mate is an empty person, tell him how you feel, and let him know what you are able to accept or not.

You are not an empty being, you have emotions that must match, emotional needs, and reciprocity.

If none of this is satisfied, no change is possible. Then think about the next step.

There is no worse loneliness than that of those who only give us formless affection. A world of voids.


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