Get Productive In Just 5 Minutes!

Be productive in just 5 minutes!

Get out of bed. To take a shower. Get dressed. Write articles. Read. Wash the dishes. To do the housework. When we think about being productive, we believe it takes a long time. However, in reality, there is plenty to do in just 5 minutes.

Here is a list of productive things to do when you only have 5 minutes ahead of you, that is, quick activities that you can perform and finish without a hitch.

Sometimes when we are overwhelmed with tasks, we forget that there are things that don’t take a lot of time. However, these things can be very helpful in maintaining your emotional balance.

-Give yourself 5 minutes  of meditation. This is because meditation will help you relax and reset your brain. It is particularly useful when your thoughts are mixed up or when you are highly anxious. Nowadays, there are many methods of meditation online.

-Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. Making time for yourself is absolutely productive.

-Buy a book. Treat yourself to good times and share them.

-Think about how you’ve been feeling lately. If you want, you can write it down. Also think about what you plan to do today.

-Make plans with your spouse or a loved one. Plan something fun for tonight, tomorrow, or next week.

-Make a list of five things you are grateful for, including the things your body allows you to do.

-Take a walk. If you are at home, go get the mail or walk around the block for a bit. If you’re at work, stretch your legs next to the desk. Go out and look at the sky.

Recite in your head the steps necessary to complete a task that you have avoided doing until now. Every small step will help you achieve it.

-Mass your hands.

– Write down 10 things  to see, smell, hear, touch, and maybe even try to get in touch with your world.

-Read a few lines or whatever text you feel calms down, and remind yourself of what’s really important.

Close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves  (thanks to the Internet, anything is possible).

-Do something you need to do but don’t really want  : pay the bills, call your bank, make your bed, iron clothes, clean your office, etc. Remember, it’s only 5 minutes!

-Read jokes or watch a short humorous video.

Take a piece of paper and doodle what comes to mind: swirls, lines, waves, flowers… Let your mind wander and amaze you.

-Plan a great meal for this week.

-Research and learn more about a historical moment that may have taken place on the same date as it is today, but years ago.

-Think about what you need from a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual perspective.

Think about the things you need to do this week. If you don’t have any free time, you can take 5 minutes off each scheduled task.

– Remain in silence. There is so much wisdom revolving around our minds and bodies… How many times do you actually stop?

If you like the idea, ask yourself this question: “What do I already know?”, And wait for the answer. Or sit back, without waiting for anything. In order not to lose track of time, you can use a timer.

What can you start or get in 5 minutes? Create your own list of ideas. Then keep it somewhere easy to access and use it every day as a mandatory routine.

Over time, you will see spiritual and emotional benefits that will help you feel better and better.

Photograph courtesy of

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