Dispel Your Brain Fog By Eating Properly

Clear your brain fog by eating the right way

You may have already felt  a sense of confusion or a lack of mental clarity. It is as if our minds were invaded by clouds and haze. This phenomenon is known as brain fog. It is usually accompanied by memory problems and difficulty concentrating or articulating words.

Overworking, multitasking or substance abuse can cause this feeling of mental fog. However,  there are several solutions to dispel it. Eat adequately or sleep more (or better). Exercise regularly or relax. Another solution can consist in carrying out a detoxification of the organism because the toxins accumulated due to pollution and a bad diet influence this brain state. Let’s dig deeper into these ideas.

What you need to remove from your diet to clear your brain fog

The first thing you need to remove from your diet are white poisons. White poisons are, for example, refined sugar and all sweeteners. Also included are corn syrup, white rice, refined flour and its derivatives. Sometimes refined salt and pasteurized milk can end up on this list.

sugar causes brain fog

The fact that some of these products are of plant origin does not turn them into healthy foods. Instead, consume whole foods or unrefined foods and  eliminate from your diet any product that cannot be considered real food. This includes products with calorie-free sweeteners, which can be even more harmful than sugar.

But  why is it necessary to eliminate these products from our diet to dispel brain fog? The main reason is that the brain feeds on carbohydrates. Refined carbohydrates have a very stimulating effect, but the drop in glucose occurs just as quickly. We then find ourselves in a state of deficiency. This leads to mood swings, irritability, fatigue, confusion, and deterioration in our judgment. In other words, brain fog.

Other relationships between food and brain fog

Avoiding foods with gluten whenever possible also helps dispel distractions and improve concentration.  Wheat has been found to worsen mental disorders like schizophrenia, autism and ADHD. While cutting out gluten can cause temporary abstinence symptoms, in general, it’s worth the effort.

Food additives must also be reduced. Strangely enough, many are present in foods sold as “healthy”. Among all the side effects they cause, food additives can cause brain fog. And other symptoms related to the brain. These can be: headaches, mood swings, nausea, anxiety, and sometimes depression.

Finally,  another way to clear brain fog and improve focus is to not consume caffeine. Or, at least, to control its consumption. Coffee and tea have many health benefits and can help us stay alert and focused. However, the big disadvantage of caffeine is that it is addictive. Symptoms of abstinence can therefore be felt in the event of a deficiency. These symptoms include brain fog. Headaches. Fatigue. And even flu-like symptoms like nausea and vomiting.

What foods can we eat to support brain function?

Getting to avoid brain fog is not that complicated. You just have to follow a natural and healthy diet. There are many possible approaches and some controversies about this. But the majority of experts agree on some basic points.

Healthy fats are great for our brains. Foods like nuts, avocados, coconut oil, virgin olive oil (unrefined), organic salmon, eggs and meat are very good for improving brain function. It has also been found that saturated fats like coconut oil or ghee butter are very beneficial for brain health.

salmon avoid brain fog

It is also important to prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water and consuming foods rich in fluids. The volume of water in the brain reaches 75%: dehydration, even slight, will therefore affect our ability to think. In fact, it only takes 2% dehydration for attention, memory and other cognitive skills to be affected.

Adding iodine to your diet is also a good way to prevent brain fog. Seaweed is a good option. They are among the foods richest in iodine. Also consider consuming iodized salt.

Another very interesting food to aid mental clarity is cranberry. Many published studies indicate that these red fruits have a beneficial effect on cognitive function.

As we see, consuming these foods  can help decrease brain fog,  although they will not eliminate it completely. In addition, this diet will produce other benefits in your life. It is therefore necessary to be concerned with this theme.

Improve Your Focus With These Simple Tips (Brain Fog)
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Find out what brain fog is, the disorder that prevents us from concentrating and paying attention to our surroundings.


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