4 Steps To Overcome Mental Stillness

4 steps to overcome mental stillness

“Don’t be afraid of slow changes,

only to stay still ”

(Chinese proverb)

We all know what physical stillness is, but what about mental stillness? It seems more complicated to perceive and solve.

Mental stillness can oscillate between total inaction and small indecisions.

Does that mean anything to you? How can we fix it? Below are answers to all these questions.

When are we still?

The first question to ask is: Do we know that we are mentally still? Do you know if you are right now?

You may experience this mental stillness at different times. Here are some references, the list is obviously not exhaustive:

1. You cannot work on a project that interests you. Something is preventing you from doing it. You feel an inexplicable blockage that you cannot overcome.

2. You spend your time sitting, passive, doing nothing. You only think about your problems. You feel overwhelmed and heavy.

3. You avoid talking with other people. Although you would like to make new friendships, which would be welcome, something that you cannot explain is preventing you from doing so.

4. You treat your loved ones unfairly. You can say things that you shouldn’t. You don’t know why you are doing this.

5. Your body is shaking or suffering from inexplicable tics that highlight actions you want to do but don’t finish for one reason or another. 

6. You are no longer able to perform activities that you normally enjoy. The mere fact of setting yourself in motion tires you out, you feel incapable of anything. 

Have you identified yourself in any of the above situations? Can you feel any of them strong and prolonged?

If the answer is yes, now is the time to see how you can fix this problem.

How to overcome mental stillness?

We will show you below some solutions to overcome mental stillness. These are general indications that will guide you towards resolving this state of inaction or mental doubt.

1. Identify the blockage

First, you need to  identify what is holding you back. Reflect on the situation causing this blockage.

For example, why can’t you finish this job? What causes your inactivity? How does it benefit you?

It can be a familiar problematic situation, low self-esteem, heightened sensitivity brought on by something, etc. You must meditate on these aspects in order to find a solution.

2. Think about what you are going to do

Now that you know what’s blocking you, how are you going to act? You can do two things: do nothing and wait for it to pass, or look for a solution.

The second option is obviously the best, because it will get you out of an unpleasant situation and allow you to learn from this blockage.

Think about each step you are going to take, and how you are going to move forward. You have to be sure not to turn around. Think well that stillness is strong and powerful. You are going to have to make great efforts to overcome it.

3. Trial and error

Now is the time to experience your solution to mental stillness.

Draw your strength from anywhere! 

If you are not able to move from where you are, try to trick your mind with things that can motivate it, pull it out of its passivity and withdrawal into itself.

It will take a lot of effort and you may have to try several strategies in order to be successful in finding the one that will help you overcome your blockage.

4. Verification

Have you been able to overcome your immobility? Let’s see if this is true, if you have overcome it or if it is only what you want to believe.

Take advantage of this liberation to think about your near future, in which the same immobility can be repeated.

How will the next situation be? Think that stillness can change shape and develop in a new light. If this time she showed up for work, the next might be about your romantic situation.

It is therefore very important to determine where it is that we feel still or blocked. From there, we have to choose the best option that presents itself.

Do you feel stuck in your work? Do something else and try to overcome this blockage.

Do you treat your loved ones unfairly? Determine what’s going on. Why are you getting upset? What is blocking you?

Only you can overcome your mental stillness, with strength, courage and a lot of will.

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