6 Questions That Will Help You Find Happiness

6 questions that will help you find happiness

“Happiness flees those who seek it. It only comes from within ”

(Mahatma Gandhi)


If you were a journalist and had the opportunity to talk to yourself about happiness, what questions would you ask yourself? Are you sure you have all the answers?

What if we told you that it is possible to be happier just by answering a few questions? Would you do it?

If being happy means meeting certain conditions and certain specific parameters, then happiness will never be achieved.

By making our feelings depend on something or someone else, we become dependent.

There are no perfectly ideal situations in which absolutely everything will come together to make you smile from ear to ear …

As the great Freddy Mercury said in his song “Show Must Go On”: “Even if my makeup is flowing, the smile will not leave my face”

Truly happy people are not the richest, nor the ones with the fewest problems to deal with.

Think of characters like Gandhi or Mother Teresa. Their happiness was not made of material things, but of love and compassion for others.

We are not telling you that in order to achieve happiness you have to become like them, but you can always work on yourself to improve yourself and make your life not dependent on external factors.




Below you will find the questions that can help you find happiness anywhere:

1- Do I need to be grateful? Gratitude is one of the keys to happiness. When you are doing well and “on the go”, saying thank you is not difficult.

On the other hand, it becomes a challenge when things go wrong and the news is not good.

Every moment you can be grateful for something. If you can, write a list of all of these things, and you will see it.

2- What intensifies my happiness? This is one of the most difficult questions to find an answer to.

Indeed, generally, although we know perfectly well what are the things and the people which harm us, we have difficulty determining what makes us happy.

Focus on what gives you satisfaction and the desire to live. This is where the most authentic happiness lies!

3- What was my progress? When we focus on our failures and how far we have yet to go before reaching our goals, it’s easy to get discouraged and “throw in the towel”. Do your best to prevent this from happening!

Look behind you only to learn the lessons you need, as well as to become aware of all the things you have learned so far.


4- Who are those who love me? We can have hundreds of contacts on social networks, get along well with our co-workers or be cordially greeted by our neighbors, but the people who really love us can be counted on the fingers of one hand (and if you really have any luck, on those of both hands).

Love for the other fills us with satisfaction. When you feel lonely or sad, think about those people who love you. They will become your strength and help you keep going.

5- Who are the ones I can help? Generally, happiness slips through our fingers, like sea water or the sand on the beach, because we only think of us. What about the others? Don’t they deserve to be happy, too?

We are not talking to you of pure altruism, nor are we asking you to strip yourself of all your material possessions as the characters previously mentioned in this article have been able to do.

What we are suggesting to you here is to help those around you. A simple gesture on your part can change someone’s daily life.

If you make the other person happy, then you will also be happier.

6- I dream of a better world, what can I do to help make this dream come true?

You have tons of options available to you, but it’s not about thinking in terms of categories, or going for a certain idea just because it looks the best to you.

It’s about making sure that the contribution you choose to make defines you, excites you, gives meaning to your life, and helps you find happiness.

You might find it saving whales, fighting forest pruning, recycling garbage, feeding a stray dog, or donating medicine for the children.

Finally, remember that happiness does not consist in having everything you want, but in knowing how to appreciate what you have.

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