6 Phrases Of Gratitude For Every Day

6 phrases of gratitude for every day

Thanking, depending on the person and the situation, may not be easy or “natural”. Many people find it difficult to smile when someone they don’t like is doing them a favor. N o us still know that this is what he should do, and in the long run it will benefit us. Therefore, gratitude phrases should be used more regularly and not just at specific times.

We are generally unaware of our luck. Having a bed, shelter and food is itself a goal for many of the people with whom we share the planet. On the other hand, many people live so wrapped up in their comfort that they feel they deserve it all, even though they haven’t made the slightest effort to get it.

In most cases, it was our parents and grandparents who went through difficult times. They fought to take what we today take for granted. They are an example of surpassing and perseverance, and deserve that we are proud of them, as well as our respect. From then on,  it is to their perseverance that our first sentences of gratitude go. In many cases, without their courage, we would not have grown up surrounded by love and without economic deprivation.

6 phrases of gratitude for every day

“Gratitude is not only the greatest virtue, it is also linked to everything else”

This wise phrase is attributed to the Roman politician and writer Marco Tulio Cicero. According to him,  all grateful people have a big  heart  and associated great virtues. For example, someone who is not able to give thanks will hardly have the ability to empathize with the people around them.


The pleasure one takes in finding a grateful man is so great… that it is worth not being an ungrateful ”

The great philosopher Seneca was the architect of one of the best phrases relating to gratitude. Even though it takes on a selfish connotation,  we all have a tremendous sense of happiness when we hear someone utter gratitude phrases to us: in that thank you, in that embrace, is a form of gratitude. We are often aware, through it, that the other has noticed our gesture and appreciates it. On the other hand, it boosts our self-esteem to the extent that it leaves us feeling that we have been able to bring something of value to that person.

For this simple reason, it is necessary to help those who ask us for a favor. Besides showing kindness and understanding,  we guarantee this feeling of total satisfaction.

“Whoever does not thank for a small favor, will not thank for an important favor”

Muhammad said these words a long time ago. This prophet warns us  not to trust ungrateful people. Those who are not used to expressing gratitude for small, everyday things will hardly do so in more extreme situations.

Also, it  will be difficult for these people to reciprocate  if they cannot get anything in return.


“When you drink water, remember the source”

This Chinese proverb prompts us to reflect on our own perceptions. When  any one you help, do not forget. On the road to success and self-discovery, we all need others to help us.

Remember that even though you are currently at the top, it was not so long ago that you were lying on the ground. The people who then helped you stand up and make yourself presentable deserve you to remember them and are worthy of your gratitude. Tell them they can count on you.

“The gratitude of many is nothing but the secret hope of receiving new and greater benefits”

The French writer and soldier François de La Rochefoucauld was very attached to this maxim. There are many interested people who will use gratitude to get benefits in return. In your hands is the ability to distinguish hypocrites from those who really feel grateful.

It may sound trite, but it is not. Interacting with people who pretend to be grateful is very dangerous as when they  tire of using you  they will not hesitate to betray you in order to obtain other more important favors. Stay away from these people.

man facing an icy landscape

“As children we were grateful to those who filled our socks for Christmas. Why don’t we thank God for filling our socks with our feet?

British writer and journalist Gilbert Keith Chesterton offers us one of the best thoughts out there. For him,  the phrases of gratitude should deepen our gaze, so that we can go far beyond what we see at first glance. For example, at Christmas, children should understand that any kind of gift deserves our gratitude, not just for toys or money. If they learn from an early age what is really important, they will not forget it. In addition, it will mark them for all the decisions they will take in the future.

While there are thousands of phrases and thoughts that accurately express the wonders of gratitude, it is our duty to uncover them. They are born and show themselves through the small details: being alive is, in fact, a joy for the we should be grateful for every morning.

Challenge yourself to do your soul-searching and ask yourself if you really thanked others for what they did for you . It will be easy in this reflection to discover a new vision of the world around you, one that allows you to see with different eyes the luck that accompanies you.

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