6 Common Myths About Mentally Strong People

6 common myths about mentally strong people

There are many ideas about mentally strong people. Sometimes we spend too much time thinking about how we could be like them.

Other times, we fall into the mistake of believing certain myths that make us doubt the value of being mentally strong.

Here we are going to tell you about the most common beliefs about mentally strong people. You will see that they are like you and me.

The only difference can be their way of accepting and facing the challenges of life. 

Myth 1. They were born strong

You can believe that mentally strong people were born that way, and that they would have a different mindset that defines them from birth.

However, the reality is quite different. We are all born with the same cognitive, emotional and behavioral skills. 

The differences come from the way we are educated, the experiences we have and the vision we develop.

This is why it is not surprising to see two brothers who had the same education, totally different.

One may very well fit into the list of mentally strong people, while the other is not sure of himself.

The difference is in the perspectives that everyone sets for themselves and the emotional work that we do for ourselves.

Myth 2. They are cold and not very emotional


This is totally wrong. Mentally strong people feel like the rest of the world .

In fact, many of them are lovely and pleasant people. The difference is, they know how to express their emotions.

They just avoid giving all their love to people who don’t deserve it. They are also prepared to end destructive relationships when they appear in their lives.

This decision will surely hurt them, but they know they must “save” themselves. You may think they are cold because they know how to control their emotions, but this is not a symptom of coldness.

Myth 3. They are aggressive and unfriendly

Mentally strong people don’t devote their lives to pleasing others.

They also don’t seek to control you or tell you how to live, but that doesn’t mean they’re unkind.

The idea that they would be aggressive comes from the fact that mentally strong people have no problem giving their opinion.

If they don’t like any of your attitudes, and they think you are trying to control them, they will mark their limits. 

Usually, they will do it in a friendly manner. The only reason to be aggressive is when you don’t respect your limits. Other than that, they are nice and accessible to everyone.

Myth 4. They never had a rough time

This is another more than erroneous myth about mentally strong people. It is common to think that they have always had an easy life. The reality is, however, very different.


We have all been through experiences of failure, doubt, fear and sadness .

Do not think that you alone had a difficult childhood. The difference with mentally strong people is that they don’t want to allow these experiences to define them or get in the way of their lives.

They know that every experience they’ve had has given them valuable learning if they take advantage of it. That’s why they focus on their goals, to achieve them.

Myth 5. Mentally strong people don’t have emotional problems

Being mentally strong doesn’t make us emotionally perfect . If you have an emotional problem, like depression, and you think that’s why you can’t be mentally strong, you’re wrong.

The only thing you really need is to fight these issues. Once you have made this decision, you can take the path to be stronger.

Mental toughness is based on skills that we can all learn . Some skills take longer to be integrated but we are not limited by them.

Myth 6. Pain doesn’t exist for these people

Being a mentally strong person doesn’t mean not feeling pain. Whether physical or emotional, we feel pain like everyone else.

The difference is that we are aware that it is necessary to move forward.

Don’t think that being mentally strong will get you to run a marathon effortlessly the first time around.

You will force yourself to continue because you will have the emotional resources to do so. 

When you are done with the myths of mentally strong people, you will realize that you are one of them.

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