5 Sentences From Robin Williams

5 quotes from Robin Williams

We have all known Robin Williams for his genius as an actor. Films like  The Circle of Missing Poets, Will Hunting  or  Madame Doubtfire  continue to move us today thanks to the depth of their message. Here are a few sentences from Robin Williams that will allow you, in addition to thinking, to get to know him better.

Even though everything seemed to be going well for Robin Williams, he was found hanged in his house on August 11, 2014.  This fact surprised all his admirers but his widow, Susan Schneider, confessed that he suffered from Parkinson’s disease and that this diagnosis He had affected him tremendously. Perhaps that was one of the reasons for his suicide.

1. Being alone… when we are surrounded by people

This first sentence of Robin Williams denotes a certain sadness and, at the same time, gives us a great truth. Who has never felt alone when surrounded by people? Feeling this frequently can tell us that we are suffering from a great inner emptiness or that we are not surrounded by the right people.

Many people with low self-esteem often experience this.  This feeling can lead them to isolate themselves, as if to protect themselves. Because although loneliness can be terrible, being around people with whom we have no connection can be much worse. In these circumstances, it would be good to ask ourselves if we are in the presence of people who bring us something or who motivate us to bring it to them.

phrase about loneliness by Robin Williams

2. Learn from mistakes

This second sentence from Robin Williams pushes us out of our comfort zone. Because even if we feel extremely comfortable there, the great things, those which can stimulate us to grow, are outside this zone. The challenges that we face when we are well established there do not constitute real  challenges. 

Mistakes help us be better, know where we are going, and improve certain areas of our life. Imagine what it would be like if we were never wrong: we wouldn’t move forward, we would stagnate and get stuck.

3. Live intensely

Many people believe that living intensely or living as if it is the last day of their life inevitably means making a list of follies. However, this association is not fair. To live this way, we don’t need to take a trip or anything out of the ordinary. We only have to pay attention to the little things.

We can live life intensely if we begin to appreciate the time we spend with the people we love, paying attention to every moment and fully savoring the details. It is also possible to realize this by valuing the money we earn, the bed we sleep in or the delicious food we have on our plate. Showing gratitude and enjoying what we take for granted will help us live life more intensely.


4. We are our own masters

Robin Williams’ fourth sentence allows us to think about the following idea:  we are our own masters. Because with our mistakes and the decisions we make, we learn a series of lessons that no one else can pass on to us.

Even though in school we acquire a lot of necessary information and skills, it is the “manipulation” of knowledge that ends up teaching us the real things. As Robin Williams says, it’s all worth more than all the magic or treasures in the world. We do indeed have something very precious that we seldom realize: ourselves.

5. Having too many things and not knowing how to manage them

This last sentence tells us about one of the times when alcohol and drugs were very present in his life. It contains a lot of irony, something that characterized the actor very well. He used to joke about a lot of things.

It’s sad, but often  people with a lot of resources  end up getting into drugs. It completely shakes up their lives. Very often, they fall into this black hole because they no longer know what to do with their money.


All these phrases of Robin Williams allow us to better know this actor who, at 63 years old, decided to end his life. Some make us think that a sort of void existed deep within him. Others bring us closer to harmful experiences that may have marked him. But there are many that push us to experiment and live our lives with the goal of getting closer to happiness or, to put it more correctly, balance and well-being.


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