5 Habits To Strengthen Your Charisma

5 habits to strengthen your charisma

Are there habits in your routine   to strengthen your charisma? As Paul Rand says, “how something is done or presented is often more important than the thing itself”. In other words, sometimes the means or the circumstances in which we do something are more important… than what we do. We can see this, for example, in people who play sports: they often feel more drawn to the atmosphere generated by the group than to the sport itself. Also, we all attended a presentation in which the speaker did not provide a lot of information but enjoyed it, or others in which the density of information was so important that we hated it.

Charisma is that kind of gift that some people have developed  that makes them very attractive. They may not be beautiful, or even very intelligent, but they do have a sort of halo that gives a particular color to what they do. They have a very personal signature and this signature works very well in the context of social relations. We are talking about a quality and as such we can work on it and strengthen it.

5 habits to strengthen your charisma

It is obvious that  charisma is a very precious element. For social and professional relations, our personality. With him, our simple presence can make us win everything. However, being charismatic is not always easy as it is not easy to talk and connect with other people. However, there are ways to strengthen it, through healthy habits.

Eat and sleep well

We don’t always remember how important it is to sleep well and eat well. In healthy habits, it is indisputable that by taking care of these two aspects we increase our ability to achieve and maintain high energy levels. Otherwise, sleep and fatigue will weigh on us.

strengthen your charisma

When we are tired we tend to adopt passive attitudes. We are neither physically nor psychologically well. In other words, our non-verbal language suffers, being less expressive. Relationship management is therefore much poorer and more conservative, and we end up adopting a “low profile”.

Achieving a healthy organization, in which our main needs are met, is essential to be 100% everyday. If we have enough energy,  relationships with others will be much smoother. These will be powerful habits to strengthen your charisma, don’t forget that.

Manual freedom

Communication is not just about words . Our non-verbal language says a lot about each of us. It’s not just a matter of nodding or saying a monosyllable every now and then so that the other person knows we are listening. Therefore, manual freedom is very important.

If we keep our hands in our pockets or fold our arms, we are showing a passive or defensive attitude. As some experts say, we fall into the “trap” since these gestures do not allow us to strengthen our charisma.

This is why, among the  good habits aimed at strengthening your charisma are that of keeping your hands free to gain ease. We will therefore have more possibilities to make the most of our non-verbal communication. In addition, the other components will be gradually released.

Eye contact

Here is another habit that can bring out our charisma. We are talking about eye contact here. It  is essential that we look our interlocutor in the eye. It is on this basis that fluid communication is built.

However, it is not necessary to look obsessively in the eyes of our interlocutors. If we do this, we will eventually let our nerves escape. We  just don’t have  to avoid the gaze  and end up lowering our heads to the ground, chest or sides. We have to look for a natural attitude in an unconscious way.

strengthen your charisma

Inner wealth

We can say that  charisma is something similar to knowing how to express our personality adequately, intelligently graduating and modulating the traits we manifest according to the circumstances. It is not a question of trying to be what we are not, but of adapting our attitude to the situation in which we are living.

On the other hand, we often obtain this intelligence through knowledge, both internal and external. A wealth that resides in us and that transforms into competence and skill when we use it. So, one way to strengthen your charisma is to  develop a powerful inner world, a unique philosophy of life. Thanks to this cultural and personal background, it is much easier to connect with people of all kinds.


The eternal empathy reappears, always so useful and necessary. It’s as easy as  knowing our interlocutor and knowing what moves them. If we manage to get into an area that appeals to him, that we care about his well-being and what interests him, it will be much easier to connect with him.

Through empathetic work, contacts and relationships can be maintained by both parties. Thus,  the conversations will be more fluid and more intimate, and it will not be about speeches, but exchanges of opinions.

You may find that these simple keys provide you with resources, ideas, and habits to strengthen your charisma, so that  your social relationships can benefit. If you can’t do it in a natural way, don’t worry, by working on it you can get it too.

How to be more charismatic
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Are you in awe of charismatic people and want to become like them? Here are some tips to achieve this!

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