4 Myths Most People Believe

There are a lot of myths that a lot of people believe, even though science or technology has proven them not to be real. These affirmations are repeated mechanically, without the slightest doubt or the slightest critical spirit.
4 myths most people believe

Even though we are in the 21st century and in the midst of the information age,  many ideas continue to be shared by much of society.  Myths that the majority of people believe.

The human being is very gullible. He tends to think that if a majority – in a special way, whether it is relatives or a group to which he belongs – supports a thesis, it is bound to be true.

The first of these myths that the majority of people believe is that those who repeat them are not sufficiently intelligent or cultured. This is not true:  great scientists, among whom we find some Nobel Prize winners, have come to believe these lies. These “false truths” are so powerful that they can fool even the most skeptical.

Everything seems to indicate that human beings tend to be carried away by intuition and the impact of majorities. We love to have an opinion on everything. We also give our opinion based on what we have heard. Without taking the time to analyze the validity or the data that might support those ideas.

To prove it to you, we are going to give you examples of myths that the majority of people believe, even though they have been proven to be false.

A man reflecting on the myths most people believe

1. One of the cerebral hemispheres dominates

One of the myths that most people believe is that one of the two cerebral hemispheres dominates the other; this predominance in regulation would determine a large part of our personality. So,  depending on which hemisphere is dominant, we will be more rational or emotional or more scientific or artistic.

It is true that  the brain has specialized areas, but none of them compete with the others for dominance. In the end, they are all interconnected and influence each other.

If we are better in one area, it is not because one hemisphere dominates the other. Other factors come into play, such as genetics, learning, experiences, etc.

2. 4 myths that the majority of people believe: intelligence and one of the myths that the majority of people believe

Here is one of the myths that the majority of people believe. In this majority, we identify many psychologists, pedagogues, teachers, etc. It is said that intelligence can be assessed through psychometric tests  while the idea, if we are a little rigorous, is questionable.

Expert Julián de Zubiría points out that previously it was believed that socio-emotional and practical dimensions, as well as acquired knowledge, had no influence on intelligence.  Today, the opposite idea dominates. These tests cannot measure metacognition. In fact, Zubiría points out that in no case “there are tests to evaluate complex processes in short periods of time”.

3. Alcohol kills neurons

Most people believe many myths about alcohol. However, the latter are not true. It is said, for example, that drinking alcohol kills neurons, which is not true. However, it is true that  excessive drinking for a long time can damage the connections between neurons and cause them to atrophy or degenerate.

Another common and dangerous myth is that alcohol is used to keep the body warm. Although it is true that  this substance generates a feeling of heat in the body, in reality, its effect is to lower the body temperature.  In fact, it is dangerous to drink alcohol when it is very cold.

One of the myths most people believe is that alcohol kills neurons

4. 4 myths most people believe: people are demotivated

Another popular myth is that it is a lack of motivation that people stop doing something or only half do it. The truth is, people always have something that motivates them to do or stop doing something. Sometimes our motivations don’t coincide with what people expect us to do.

A similar thing happens when it is said that a person “does not find meaning” in life or in a specific activity. Human beings make sense of everything, but sometimes that meaning is wrong. So, a person who “does not find meaning in life” actually gives it a sense of boredom, sadness, etc.

As you can see, all of these myths show us that sometimes we believe in certain realities because we see other people do.  We should therefore sharpen our critical thinking, and even about assumptions that are very shared, by listening to the statements of people who are really experts in the matter.


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