3 Painful Truths We Forget Too Soon

3 painful truths we forget too soon

Aldous Huxley said that “just because we don’t want to see reality does not mean that things are different.

Admitting to reality, even if it is painful, gives us the opportunity to adapt. But some of these painful truths are forgotten far too soon.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve lived long or not. Surely you have already learned a valuable lesson in a painful way, directly or indirectly.

From time to time, we need to remember these painfully learned truths, or those experienced by our loved ones.

It’s not about living in fear, but neither should you act as if life is eternal or as if you always have to be content only with what you have today.

The truths can hurt but they can also help us to stay the feet on the ground and especially to benefit from these present moments, in full consciousness.

Being busy is not the same as being productive

We all must, or at least we should, have a purpose in life. Our goals require work, effort. Being productive is working to achieve those goals. But we must not forget that doing something does not necessarily mean that this work brings us closer to what we are looking for.

busy woman

A lot of people spend their days doing things, filling their diaries with activities, spending endless hours in front of their computers or devices, doing things.

But to achieve a goal, you don’t have to do a lot. Only what is necessary.

The problem is that the necessities are quite hard and complicated, and it is easier to take care of other things which may be like the necessities.

If you want to get anything in life, you have to be genuinely productive, think about what you need to do, and do it effectively.

Read about what you want to do, plan for your future, talk about what you are going to do, or do things to try. If you want to get far, you have to go there.

In the end, what matters is not what you did to achieve something, but what you achieved.

It doesn’t matter how hard you tried, the money you spent, the urges you had to do something and how much you thought about it and talked about it.

Stop doing to do and start being aware and responsible for your time and your actions.

Every success is preceded by several failures

Making mistakes is human and it is one of the most important truths. Some are inevitable, others simply happen because we have not perceived or detected the determining factors. No matter. If you lean on them, you will learn lessons that you would never have found elsewhere.

When you learn from your mistakes, you get the opportunity to learn to improve yourself.

If you beat yourself up and blame yourself for these mistakes, this is where you really fail, because that is precisely what is keeping you from moving forward.


To learn from a mistake, it is necessary to forgive yourself, not to be ashamed. All the great ones have failed one day. Until you surrender, nothing is totally lost.

The difference between the teacher and the pupil is the number of failures: the teacher has failed many more times than the pupil. The more mistakes you face, the more opportunities you have to learn and the more you know.

Human life is quite short

The average life expectancy of a human being is just over 80 years. In some places and cultures, this average may be a little higher or noticeably lower.

Either way, 10 or 20 years is nothing compared to the thousands of years of human history and millions of years of universe history.

Death affects us all and the world will continue its course. The story will continue. But, when someone around us dies, we feel tremendous surprise and dismay.

Even though it is a foretold death, there is still something about us that is altered.


How much more did the deceased have to say or do? How many things did he miss? How many things would you like to say to him that you haven’t told him? How many things could you have done to change it?

Many people, when they see death coming, realize that they have made many mistakes, that they have let many opportunities pass, that they have not lived freely, but conditioned by their own. entourage.

Our life time is short, but sufficient if we make the most of it, if we live according to our values ​​and wanting to grow as people being aware of who we are and what we do.

The greatest losses do not occur when we die, but when we let opportunities slip away to live fully.

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