15 Tips For Overcoming Disappointment In Love

15 tips to overcome disappointment in love

She feels completely disappointed, she is no longer happy with him, and does not recognize him.

Where is this person she fell in love with? Why is she behaving like this, with this indifference that hurts so much?

There is nothing more painful than indifference. Love hurts and deeply wounds the soul and the heart, when it is no longer reciprocal. This is a disappointment in love.

However, we have all experienced this feeling that makes us think that it is never going to pass.

Even though we may think that we can never believe in love again, love reappears when we least expect it and in the strangest way because love never seeks itself, it just happens.

How to overcome a disappointment in love? 

 1. Accept the situation. In life, there are thousands of situations that we have no choice but to accept them and tell ourselves that life is like this.

When we start to accept what is happening to us, we stop struggling and we can start to assimilate.

2. Let that person go. Don’t stubbornly grab something that can’t be salvaged. If that person doesn’t want to be with you anymore, let them go, because you risk falling into obsessions that lead nowhere.

3. Take your time. Do not despair and do not forget to “give time to time”.

4. Cry for everything you need to. In tears we release all the sadness that we have inside. Tears are a great remedy to cleanse our soul.

We will feel much calmer and more relaxed if we decide to let go of all the pain that has always been in these tears.

5. Do activities that enrich you. It is very important to have a busy mind. Do activities that you have always enjoyed such as reading, writing, painting, playing sports, etc.

6. Try not to prolong the inner monologue about that person. It is obvious that when we go through these moments, this person lingers in our head and insists heavily. But say stop!

7. Listen to music. Music relaxes, uplifts your spirits, and awakens endorphins, the famous hormones of happiness. When you’re feeling down, put on some music and dance!

8. Think, forgive. Let pain be your learning, because it is by living that we learn to live.
Live this situation as one more experience in your life that will have served to enrich you.

Forgive yourself and forgive if you have hurt yourself, for pain is of no use, only to hurt yourself.

9. Rely on the people who love you the most. In these times, it’s good to surround yourself with people who really love you. A hug, a laugh, and a conversation can be a huge relief.

10. Start over. Once the page is turned, life goes on and there are thousands of wonderful things to experience.

Cut ties with this person. Do not read his emails, and delete all his photos, because sometimes we need to make a clean sweep to forget.

Maybe in the future you can be friends, but for now if you want to forget, take all those memories out of your head.

11. Help yourself with the writing. Often, writing down our feelings is a good way to let go.

Some people write a letter to themselves which they then burn. It’s a symbolic act that means we break up and leave that relationship behind.

12. Take care of your health more than ever.  When we are sad, our immune system is weak.

Eat a good diet and treat yourself to a few whims like chocolate or candy.

13. If your spouse has left you for someone else, never compare yourself to them because “comparisons are odious”.

14. Meet new people. Often times, we find that we have focused on him or her so much that we haven’t realized that there are thousands of wonderful people in the world.

We’re not talking about spouses here, but friends, people with whom we can have good conversations and have good times.

15. Read an article, a book that can help you. If you are in such a situation, we would love to be able to help you with this little article, giving you all the strength and courage in the world!

“When a door closes, a window opens”


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