10 Spiritual Phrases For Thinking And Living In Peace

Spirituality is a source of energy that inspires us and transforms us deeply through calm. The few spiritual phrases that follow are an example.
10 spiritual phrases to think and live in peace

Today we offer you 10 spiritual phrases that will allow you to better understand the concept of spirituality. Above all, they will help you to think about multiple aspects of life. And it is that spirituality allows us to connect with ourselves and with the very essence of things.

Spirituality can be defined in many ways. We can talk about energy, a way of seeing the world, a philosophy of life, or an exercise in introspection … When we use our spirituality to solve problems or to identify the way forward. follow, then we speak of spiritual intelligence.

What is spirituality?

There are many definitions of spirituality. There is no one definition which is more correct than another. Indeed, spirituality is really something very personal. It is, in a way, a matter of faith. It is indeed an energy that makes us connect to ourselves, to others and to the essence of things.

We could also say that it is the consciousness of a part of us that manifests itself in a material way. It is related to something greater than all living things. It is also linked to religion and faith.

A burning candle.

What is spiritual intelligence?

Spirituality is also linked to spiritual intelligence. It is an ability that allows us to give value to our lives. Buddha spoke of it in his day using the term vipassana . That is to say a “ capacity of penetrating vision to grasp the deep reality of phenomena and to see things as they are”.

For their part, Danah Zohar and Ian Mashall, researchers and authors of the book Spiritual Intelligence (2001), define this concept as “the capacity which allows us to face and solve problems of meaning and values, to see our life in a more meaningful context, and at the same time to determine which action or which path is the most beneficial for our life ”.

Spirituality and spiritual intelligence allow us to reflect on concepts such as self-knowledge, love, life and death, among other things. Now we encourage you to continue thinking about this topic and more through the following spiritual phrases.

Some spiritual phrases to fuel reflection

When we bring out our spiritual side, things happen. We connect more with people, with the essence of things and, above all, with ourselves.

Spirituality, for its part, is a capacity that allows us to go beyond the visible or the superfluous. So reflect on this concept through a selection of 10 sentences we have made on spirituality.

“Life gives you plenty of time to do what you want if you stay in the moment.” (Deepak Chopra)

The time that we can (and even should) tap into is nothing more than the time that already exists. That is to say the present tense.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.” (Teihard de Chardin).

This is a very deep sentence that plays with words. The point is that we all have a certain spirituality to some extent, and so it is through it that we live.

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, so men cannot live without a spiritual life.” (Buddha)

Spiritual life is often necessary to connect with oneself and with “what one cannot see”. It also allows us to disconnect from the outer reality and look within.

“The spiritual journey is individual, personal. It cannot be organized or regulated. It is not true that everyone should follow the same path. Hear your own truth. ” (Anonymous)

Indeed, each one follows his own path and it is the one that he defines while walking. No two paths are the same. Just like no two people are the same.

“Spirituality is not about adopting more beliefs and assumptions, but about discovering what is best in you.” (Amit Ray)

Although spirituality is also a matter of beliefs and thoughts, in truth the best way to achieve it is to connect with this intangible part of ourselves. And that goes through self-knowledge.

“Realization is just about bringing something inside of us to life.” (Anonymous)

First of all, feeling fulfilled involves connecting with what excites us. And passion is often about connecting to our inner nature.

“Religion gives man an inner strength: Spiritual light and ineffable peace.” (Alexis Carrel)

This is a quote from Alexis Carrel, French Nobel Prize in Medicine. Inner strength relates, precisely, to that light and that peace that we are always looking for. It also gives us a certain mental balance. Many people feel this strength because of their faith in their religion.

“It is through gratitude for the present moment that the spiritual dimension of life opens.” (Eckhart Tolle)

Gratitude is a value, but it is also an ability. It therefore allows us to connect with and be grateful for what we have and who we are.


“People only see what they are ready to see.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Our beliefs influence us, that’s for sure. They also help us broaden our perspective on things, but they also limit it. Spirituality, even though it sometimes moves away from “down to earth”, also has a lot to do with these beliefs.

“He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened. ” (Tao Te Ching)

Knowing others allows us to learn and to know. This is a good thing. However, there is nothing better than knowing yourself.

And you, which sentence did you prefer? Do you know of any other spiritual phrases? We encourage you to continue your study of this concept and, most importantly, to find your own way of being spiritual, if you feel the need to.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

Who was Roberto Assagioli? We invite you here to discover the biography of this humanist psychologist and spiritual scientist.

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